Fae's Deception - M. Lynn Page 0,46

get ready, Brea. The queen will expect you soon.” Neeve offered her a stack of fresh undergarments and shooed her behind the screen in the corner of the room. Brea had insisted she could at least put her own undergarments on without assistance. It was a compromise Neeve finally agreed with.

“Is this a fancy brunch with all the delegates?”

“Just you and the queen.”

Brea breathed a sigh of relief. She loved her aunt and looked forward to the times they spent together. It was when other people were involved that she tended to stress out.

“Good morning, dear.” The queen was all smiles today. Not a hint of a hangover or lack of sleep marred her beautiful face. She’d never seen her aunt not dressed like the fae Marie Antionette. Regan really liked to wear pink.

“Good morning, Aunt Regan.” Brea bobbed a quick curtsy before she took her seat opposite the queen. “You’re looking lovely this morning.”

“Too much wine last night, darling. Far too much wine.” Her laughter echoed across the terrace where they normally had their afternoon tea.

“Tell me about it.” Brea winced.

“I just did.” The queen blinked in confusion.

“Oh, that just means I’m commiserating with you.” Brea laughed. “Way too much wine. But last night was wonderful.”

“Was it amazeballs?” Regan leaned forward in earnest.

Brea thought about the late night spent with Griff in his rooms. “It was definitely amazeballs. But I’m so sorry about the incident with the fountain.” Her face flushed with fresh humiliation.

Regan’s laughter sounded like bells. “I’m just glad you’re okay, dear. Don’t ever apologize for your clumsy behavior. It’s endearing. Don’t change on my account.”

“Thank you, Aunt Regan.” That might have been the first time a family member ever told her to just be herself. Without thinking, Brea stood and approached the queen.

“What’s this, my darling?” The queen’s sweet face stared up at Brea just before she wrapped her arms around her aunt.

“Thank you, auntie.”

“For what, sweet girl?” Regan awkwardly patted Brea on the back.

Brea wondered how long it had been since anyone hugged Regan. “For loving me just as I am.”

“What’s not to love?” Regan took Brea’s hands in hers. “We have much to discuss this morning.”

“Shoot.” Brea returned to her seat only to realize she’d said something confusing again. “Sorry, it seems we need a translator.” Brea laughed. “That just means, go on, I’m listening.”

“All right then, I’ll shoot.”

Brea stifled a giggle behind her hand.

“I said it wrong, didn’t I? Oh well, we have plenty of time for human silliness later. Did you ever wonder why I brought you here, Brea? I mean besides the obvious that I wanted to meet my only niece.”

“Of course, I wondered.” Brea nodded for Neeve to stop hovering and pour her tea.

“Some of my nobles thought I intended to make you my heir so they feared your arrival. I would claim you as my own if not for your human side. I love you dearly, child, but Fargelsi needs a strong fae ruler when I am gone.”

“I understand,” Brea rushed to say. There was nothing she wanted less than to be Regan’s heir to the throne. “It wouldn’t do for a half-human-half-fae klutz to take your place.”

“I’m so glad you see it that way too.” Regan gave a curt nod to Neeve to finish serving their brunch. “Before all of this uncertainty about what your arrival might mean, the Fargelsi court feared I would make Griffin my heir, which has always been my greatest desire. I’ve raised him as my own, and a more loyal son couldn’t possibly exist. But he is an Iskalt prince, and many would like to see him return to his uncle, the king.”

“So, it would be dangerous for him if you publicly named him your heir?”

“It would. Unless…” Regan paused to sip her tea. “Unless he was betrothed to a Gelsian royal.”

Brea’s mouth went dry. Her aunt couldn’t possibly be thinking about marrying her off like some kind of pawn on a chessboard? “What now?” Brea squeaked.

“You and Griff fancy each other, do you not?” Regan asked bluntly. “I saw your flirtations last night. You suit each other quite well.”

“Um, well. I… um…”

Neeve saved her by sliding a plate with a slice of quiche and a side of fruit drizzled in caramel sauce in front of her. The caramel sauce danced on her plate like magic until it formed the words ‘everything she says is a lie.’ Brea choked on her tea as the caramel sauce blurred and the words disappeared. She glanced

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