Fae-ted to the Bear - Harmony Raines Page 0,84


The land blurred beneath them. If anyone happened to look up at the sky as the dragon flew overhead, they would likely believe the dragon was nothing more than a fast-moving cloud.

In the distance, she saw the high mountain peaks silhouetted against the moonlit sky. They were close. Soon they would land and the search for Karros and Zara would begin.

Would Ivan help them? Were his senses stronger than the bears’?

The wind brought tears to her eyes as they climbed higher, skimming the peaks of the mountains before swooping down the other side. The dragon flew low, skimming the treetops, and she was certain he was enjoying the freedom of flight despite the reason they were here.

Then he suddenly banked right, tucked in his wings, and dropped out of the sky like a stone.

Ivan’s four passengers clung to each other as the change in direction and speed nearly unseated them.

Down, down, the dragon headed for a small clearing where he landed with a thud, rocking forward before steadying himself.

“What’s wrong?” Aiden scrambled off Ivan’s back and helped the others down.

As soon as they were on the ground, Ivan shifted. “There’s another dragon.” His words came out in a gasp.

“Another dragon?” Elise looked up at the sky. “Here?”

“I can sense another dragon.” He stared at the others in the moonlight. “Can’t you?”

“No.” Caleb stared up at the sky. “I can’t see anything, I can’t hear a dragon or sense one.”

“I can.” Ivan took a couple of steps away from them, his expression one of longing.

“Have you ever met another dragon?” Elise went to him and placed her hand on his elbow, turning him to face her.

“No.” He shook his head. “At least not one I can remember. I was raised by Valerie. The dragons across the ocean never bothered with me. It was as if I was tainted in some way.”

“You never flew across the ocean to the dragon isle? You were never tempted?” Elise asked.

“No.” He looked down at the ground. “I always thought they were hostile to outsiders. And I am an outsider. I came from out here.” He held out his arms. “I’m from the world beyond. I don’t fit in anywhere. Except with my family. With my brothers.”

Ivan pulled away from her and stared into the air. “I can feel the dragon.” He tilted his head to one side. “Closer now. Can you feel it?”

Aiden and Caleb exchanged worried glances. “We should leave,” Caleb said quickly.

“Leave?” Ivan asked. “There’s another dragon here.”

“Aiden?” Flora asked. “What’s wrong?”

“There’s a family of dragons that live close by,” Aiden explained.

“A family of dragons. You knew and never told me?” Ivan’s cutting accusation caused Aiden to flinch.

“We couldn’t tell you,” Caleb explained.

“Why?” Ivan asked.

“Because they can’t know about Wishing Moon Bay.” Aiden held out his hands. “I’ll explain more when we’re safe.”

“You go,” Elise said. “I need to stay and look for Karros.”

“We should all stay,” Aiden said. “Except Ivan.”

“No.” Ivan shook his head.

“Please. You have to leave,” Aiden replied. “It’s not safe.”

“Try calling Karros again,” Flora told Elise as the brothers stared each other down.

Elise nodded and pressed dial. The phone rang and rang before going to voicemail. “Damn it!”

“Keep trying.” Flora locked eyes with Elise. They were in danger. All of them. But how much danger?

Elise hit dial again.

“I can sense the dragon,” Caleb said quietly.

“I want to meet them,” Ivan said quietly.

“Valerie told us it was too dangerous,” Caleb explained.

“Valerie. She knows about these dragons, too?” Ivan’s eyes glowed with pain.

“Yes. When she adopted you, the dragons came to claim you, but she wouldn’t let you go. The dragon we met in Bear Creek, Fiona, intervened.” He held out his hands, imploring Ivan to keep calm. “Something happened. I don’t know what. But Fiona was made to forget. She’s never supposed to know about Wishing Moon Bay. She’s never supposed to go there.”

“Why?” Ivan’s eyes widened. “Is she my mother?”

“No. I don’t think so. Valerie just said it was safer for all of us if she never remembered. And if she finds you, she’ll ask questions.” Caleb looked up at the sky. “She’s so close.”

“Maybe it’s one of the other dragons,” Flora said. “It might not be Fiona.”

“My phone.” Elise’s hands trembled as she held the phone in both her hands and tapped the screen. “Karros. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I dropped my phone. I couldn’t find it.” He sounded breathless.

“Are you both safe? We’ve been trying to get a hold of you both.” Her voice wavered as she spoke.


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