The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,99

I spot several other structural issues.

A state-of-the-art facility, this is not.

Like a mineshaft, frames made out of logs are set up every five feet or so, but the walls and ceiling in between are just exposed earth. Candlesticks are mounted on the logs, and they’re the only source of light.

I’ve never been claustrophobic before, but a situation like this could make anyone freak out. It wouldn’t take much for this place to cave in. An earthquake. A stampede of wild horses over the hill.

Get in, get out.

Pressing a hand to my thumping chest, I inch deeper into the distillery, keeping an eye out for more wires.

I’m relieved when I make it to another door without incident, but this in itself could be a trap. It isn’t even closed all the way, as if the workers here are daring someone to come in. A brighter light filters through the crack, and I stop for a few seconds to listen on this side of it, trying to determine if there’s anyone inside. They might not see me, but doors don’t just open by themselves.

I hear no voices—just a quiet bubbling sound.

Holding my breath, I nudge it open.

I exhale. No one’s here.

Well, that was a lot of build up for nothing.

Avoiding two more tripwires, I step into the room and wrinkle my nose when an incoming sneeze burns the back of my nostrils. I understand what Maisel meant about the vapors now. It smells like someone’s having a backyard barbeque inside a sauna. With burnt eggs.

Swallowing the hot and humid air, I suppress a cough as I survey the setup.

In the middle of the room, there’s a giant pot with hot coals piled underneath it. On top, an upside-down funnel is attached, leading to another metal container above it. From there, four tubes stem out to the left, and each one leads to a barrel. A clear substance drips out at a steady pace.

Glow. A whole bunch of it is just feet away.


Watching for more tripwires, I fumble with the flask and go to the closest barrel. All I have to do is dip it in, let it fill up, and then I can leave. Hunching over, I make sure my hands are covered by the cloak as I submerge the flask.

The Glow is surprisingly cool on my heated skin. Little bubbles float to the surface as the container chugs the liquid.

Paranoid, I glance over my shoulder at the back of the room. Wooden crates line the wall. There’s another door, but it’s closed.

I’m almost in the clear.

Suspense builds as I watch the bubbles slow. Grinning, I lift the flask and feel its weight. Full enough. I’m about to cap it when the back door busts open. I’m so startled by the noise that the flask drops from my grasp, hitting the dirt floor with a soft thud.

Thinking fast, I make sure it’s under the cover of the cloak and I stand as still as possible.

I don’t dare breathe.

Thanks to all the swimming I’ve done, my lungs are conditioned for this, but my pulse is hammering. Any fae with good hearing might be able to detect it.

A man walks around the large pot and cocks his pointy ear in my direction.

He’s more put together than the other criminals we’ve encountered. Cleaner, though he looks just as dangerous. His blond mohawk is styled with a series of knots over his scalp, and the tail breaks off into several tiny braids. He’s dressed in a brown vest and khaki pants, and there’s a long knife attached to his belt. Gloved fingers spasm at his sides.

When he grins down at the ground near my feet, I follow his line of vision.

Shit. Triple shit.

Glow is leaking from the flask, and there’s a muddy puddle forming outside of the cloak.

He knows.

Quickly bending to pick up my prize, I silently pray there’s enough Glow left inside as I bolt for the exit. But I’m not fast enough.

Before I can get to the doorway, arms encircle my waist, and I’m tackled to the floor. My chin hits the ground and my teeth clack together painfully. While I’m temporarily jarred from the fall, my attacker rips the hood from my head and rolls me to my back.

Sitting on his haunches, he smiles down at me.

“Sneaky, sneaky.” He clucks his tongue. “Pretty thing. I’m going to have fun with you.”

My legs are still invisible, so I take advantage of it. Kicking out, I nail him in the mouth. I don’t wait to Copyright 2016 - 2024