The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,96

assist you, and I failed. I’ll help you if it’s the last thing I do.” A sudden giggle bubbles out of her. “Actually, it will be the last thing I do.”

“That’s not funny,” I say softly. “Let’s stay away from the subject of death.”

“Sorry. My mother always told me I’ve had a dark sense of humor since the day I hatched.”


“From an egg, dear.” She gives me a patronizing smile, as if I have so much to learn. And she’s not wrong. “So you want to know about distilled Day water? Ask away.”

I don’t even know where to start. “Is it true that there’s testing going on at some of the distilleries? Experiments on faeries?”

“Yes. Glow addicts often break into the distilleries hoping to get some for themselves. Sometimes they get caught because the places are rigged with all kinds of traps. I suppose the owners figure a thief deserves the fate they give them.”

“And these tests. Is it true they found a cure for iron poisoning?”

Suddenly apprehensive, Maisel fidgets. “Yes and no.”

“Well, which is it? Yes or no?”

“It’s not that simple. There are conditions. How much iron penetrated the heart? And for how long did it infect the blood? Then there’s the matter of body mass and genetics.”

Okay, so it’s a lot more complicated than I thought. “About body mass… If someone is bigger, is that a pro or a con?”

“Technically, both. The more blood there is in the body, the harder the iron has to work to contaminate it, but that also means more Glow is needed to flush it out.”

“How much needs to be injected to get the job done?”

Maisel hikes a shoulder. “Again, it depends on the severity of the poisoning.” Tapping her chin, she leans forward. “Why don’t you tell me exactly why you need to know all this, and I’ll see if I can be of use?”

I move my questioning eyes to Astrid. She gives me a solemn nod.

And that’s how our group of two becomes a trio.

And a whole lot more trouble.


“Are you sure about this?” I mumble inside the thick fabric.

Astrid adjusts the hood hanging over my face. “Yes. I can’t see you at all. The invisibility cloak is a classic spell I’ve done many times.”

“I wasn’t talking about the spell.”

I know it’s working because I can see right through the winter garb. It’s a weird feeling, too, because it’s like I’m being suffocated by nothing. I can barely breathe in here, and it’s so unbelievably hot.

But I have faith in Astrid’s magic. Together, we used the same invisibility spell the coven cast on the nets to capture Maisel, but ours has a shorter time limit. I’ve got about two hours before it’ll wear off.

“You’re scared about sneaking into the distillery,” Astrid concludes quietly, giving an uncertain shrug. “It’ll probably be fine.”

Easy for her to say. She’s not the one walking into a drug lab with countless dangers. But after discussing the details at length, we all agreed this is the best chance we have at getting some Glow.

Maybe it’s dumb to throw caution to the wind solely because I’m relying on my premonition, but I’m banking on living through this. Soon, Damon and I will be in that clearing surrounded by witches.

“You don’t have to do this,” Astrid reminds me for the fifth time.

“Yes, I do.” After Damon’s disturbing request that I end his life, I’m more determined than ever to save him.

“If you want me to go for you, I will.”

I shake my head. “No one else will die for me.”

“I’m going to,” Maisel spouts almost cheerfully, squirming in the sling around my neck.

It’s the second time she’s hinted at dying. Dramatic much?

“Still not funny, and no you’re not.”

Astrid grips my shoulders. “Just don’t make a sound, and no one will know you’re there.”

“And I’ll go with you as far as I can,” Maisel adds. “On our way there, I’ll tell you where the booby traps will be.”

I nod, practically hearing the seconds ticking away. I have to get to the distillery and back before Damon’s meeting is over. “I’m ready.”

Astrid guides me toward the back of the tent before bending down to lift the canvas, all while tossing pointers my way. “Remember to stay covered. Let the bottom of the cloak drag behind you in the forest—it will cover your tracks. And hurry. If anyone asks about you before you return, I’ll make up an excuse.”

Grunting, I get down on the ground to army crawl through the opening. Staying Copyright 2016 - 2024