The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,9

when Damon climbs into the back seat. His wings seem to shrink as he fits himself into the vehicle, almost like they just absorb into his body.

He lifts a hand to touch me, but he hesitates like he’s reaching for a wounded animal.

This time, I don’t back away from him.

I need comfort.

Forgetting I’m all bloody, I graze the back of his fingers. When I make contact, he gasps, closes his eyes, and exhales a sigh of utter contentment.

His reaction is puzzling. I’ve never seen someone look so rapturous from a simple caress. All I’m doing is touching his knuckles, but he’s acting like it’s a lot more than that.

When he opens his eyes, I suck in a breath. Up close, the green appears lighter. More vibrant. Not human.

His lips are full and perfect. He has a strong jaw and a straight nose.

He’s unbelievably beautiful.

I’ve never been a fan of men with long hair, but Damon isn’t like any guy I’ve ever met before.

Slowly, his hand comes up to cup my face. “I never imagined I’d be able to talk to you here, let alone feel you. It’s a miracle.”

With a small smile, he rubs his thumb over the indent in my chin. His fingertips trail over my cheek. He touches my lips, my nose, my hair.

No one has ever made me feel this important.

When Damon’s finished with his attention to my face, he goes back to my chin, gripping me gently there. “I wish, more than anything, that I could take you away from this. That you could be with me now.”

Ignoring the red smears I’m leaving on his skin, I wrap my fingers around three of his, gripping him tight. “You made the looping stop. What if it starts up again when you leave?” Concentrating, I try to change the circumstances of the dream, but the mental fog rolls back in. I huff, frustrated. “I’m stuck, Damon.”

“There’s something we could try,” he says reluctantly. “But it could be dangerous.”

“More dangerous than where I’m already at?”


“I’m open to suggestions.”

Moving to a more comfortable position, he sits next to me and angles his body in my direction. “I can lull people into slumber. There are different levels of sleep. Right now, you’re on the top near the surface.”

“But you can put me under?” Excited about getting away from this hell, I squeeze him. “Do it. Knock me out.”

He’s already shaking his head before I’m done with my request. “I don’t know, Whitley. A dream within a dream… I have no idea what that would do to your brain. You’re in a coma, for stars’ sake. It could put you too deep. Besides, I’ve never done that to anyone on purpose before, and I’m not about to use you as my gerbil pig.”

I wrinkle my nose. “Don’t you mean guinea pig?”


“It’s a way of saying test subject or experiment.”

“Oh.” Sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, he seems embarrassed for a second. “Yeah. Sometimes I get humanisms wrong.”

There’s something incredibly endearing about seeing this guy get all bashful. Letting go of his hand, I reach up to touch his face. He leans into my hand, and I end up leaving a red streak on his jaw.

“I’m getting blood all over you. Sorry.”

“Don’t ever be sorry for touching me.” Damon nuzzles my palm. His face scruff is rough against my skin, and I like the way it tickles. “You could be covered in manure from head to toe, and I’d still want this.”

That’s gross. “Why do I find that so romantic?”

“Probably for the same reason it’s so hard to deny you.”

“Does that mean you’ll put me to sleep?”

“Yes,” he gripes, and he’s seriously cute when he’s all surly. “I don’t even know if it’ll work once I leave. Usually, I have to stay within a certain distance of a person for it to stick.”

“Okay.” It’s a chance, which is better than nothing. “And while you’re out helping me, save my parents, too, okay?”

“Listen.” He gets serious, and it doesn’t go unnoticed that he ignored my request. “The deeper levels of someone’s mind can be a scary place. It could be worse than here.”

“But you’ll come back for me, won’t you?”

“Of course. Wherever you are, that’s where I’ll go. Always.” Shifting, his face gets close to mine as he stares at my mouth.

Is he going to kiss me? Am I ready for this? Do I want this? Yes, yes, and yes. I want a good memory to hold onto while he’s gone. Only a Copyright 2016 - 2024