The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,89

he would. I’ve gathered that people from his realm typically have lighter characteristics, like Tibbs and all the men who’ve tried to attack us.

But Zander has inky black hair. It’s shaved on the sides and several inches long on top. The shiny dark fringe falls in front of his golden eyes. His skin is a deep tan, and although he isn’t quite as tall as Damon or Kirian, he’s bulkier. Broader in the shoulders.

Damon and Kirian walk forward to greet him.

“We’ve been expecting you,” Damon says, grasping Zander’s forearm in a manly shake.

“You have?” With his flat tone and vacant expression, there’s no hint of surprise or apology.

“Yes. Didn’t a messenger sprite come to you?”

“No. I wanted to find out who died,” Zander replies, still completely emotionless. “I was on my way to investigate a tip about a distillery outside of Sterling when I saw the smoke.”

Saw? Is he not also afflicted by the curse? I study him, trying to figure out if he’s focusing, but his eyes are just as blank as his face. Either this guy gives zero shits about anything, or he’s got the best poker face ever.

Unlike Zander, I must show my confusion, because Quinn sidles up next to me and whispers, “He can see when he’s in griffin form.”

“Oh.” I nod, and when I look down, I realize she’s carrying the small trunk.

The one with all the medical supplies. The one that has the syringes and needles. The one she intends to give to Zander.

I have to get in there before she passes it off to him, and I have to do it with honest intentions, or else she’ll know I’m lying.

Rubbing my stomach with one hand, I reach into my pocket with the other. I find the glass bottle and raise it up so she can see I only have a few sips left. “Do you have any more of that seasick stuff? I’m almost out.”

“I think so.” Setting the trunk down, she opens the lid.

I zero in on her stash. There’s about a dozen of everything from the hospital. If I take one, she might not notice.

But first, I need to distract her.

Fortunately, Damon always provides an interesting scene.

“I’ll arm wrestle you for it,” he says to Zander with a grin.

I missed a good portion of their conversation, and now I’m lost. Leaning close to Quinn, I whisper, “What are they talking about?”

She stops rummaging around in the trunk long enough to aim an amused glance over her shoulder. “They’re probably in the middle of a pissing contest. I think Damon’s not going to be happy until he gets an official plaque with the title of ‘best cousin.’”

“No contest necessary,” Zander tells Damon. “You and your mate can have the royal tent. Consider it an early wedding gift and a gesture of my heartfelt congratulations.”

“Would you like to attend the ceremony?” Damon asks, suddenly serious. “It would be an honor to have you there.”

Zander’s indifference finally breaks when his eyebrows pinch with confusion. “Truly?”

Inclining his head, Damon claps him on the shoulder. “We have a lot to fill you in on, and it’s likely you’ll want to be with us in the coming days. We’ll convene at your camp to discuss the details.”

While Quinn’s paying attention to their conversation, I quickly snatch what I need from her supplies. As I slip the packages into my pocket, her head turns back my way.

Trying to seem nonchalant, I grab a random bottle. “What’s this?”

“Oh.” Blushing, she takes it from me, and I notice the liquid is half-gone. “That’s mine. A fertility elixir. Kirian and I are trying to get pregnant again. I’m hoping for twins next time.”

“Twins,” I rasp out, experiencing a surreal moment.

Last week I was a normal college girl. Now I’m an almost-queen who’s getting married in a matter of days. Family planning isn’t something I’ve been thinking about. Staying alive has been at the forefront of my mind, but now that Damon and I are having sex, I should be smart about it.

Quinn goes back to digging in the trunk. “Do you want some? I might have a second bottle in here somewhere.”

“No.” Slashing my hands through the air, I nervously chuckle. “Actually, you wouldn’t happen to have any contraceptives, would you?”

Her eyes go wide. “Why would you want that?”

“Um, so I don’t get pregnant?”

“Do you realize how lucky you’d be if you do? It took Kirian and me four months of trying with Dani. In the human world, that’s normal. Here? Copyright 2016 - 2024