The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,77

me to stay while he removed their shackles and opened the door. And I did. I did everything he ordered, without hesitation.”

“You had no choice. Very few people can resist Callers.”

“He was weakened with iron,” I voice, confused. “I thought it wasn’t possible for fae to use their powers in that state.”

“Usually, it’s not,” Damon tells me. “But if he had Glow recently…”

Sighing, Kirian hangs his head. “It’s a different world now with that shit. Isla, I’m so sorry. Don’t blame yourself. I should’ve thought of this possibility when we took them as prisoners.”

I want clarification about this Glow they keep mentioning. I’ve heard about the drug several times since I’ve gotten here, but I don’t fully understand what it does or how it’s produced.

Isla’s chin trembles as she continues, “I was supposed to be a hostage. These men were going to use me to ensure their escape, but when I didn’t show up for our date, Tibbs came looking for me. They didn’t expect that. Tibbs tried to fight them, but the Caller told him to get on his knees. It happened so fast.” She lets out a strangled sob. “The look in his eyes before they killed him—I’ll never forget it. He knew death was coming and there was nothing he could do to stop it.”

“Come on.” Quinn ushers Isla toward the ladder. “Let’s get you out of here.”

Pausing with her foot on the first step, Isla’s sad eyes find us over her shoulder.

“I learned why they attacked us. While they were mocking me, they couldn’t help bragging. The coven sent them.” Her focus moves to Damon. “They lost their wives in the plague. The witches promised them replacement mates if they killed you and your men. Said they’d cast a spell to make us—” Her finger goes from herself to Quinn to me. “—their new fated mates.”

Damon rakes a hand through his hair. “That’s not possible. Even the most talented witches and wizards can’t manipulate fate.”

“I figured as much, but these men believed it enough to try.”

“What do you want me to do?” Damon asks, his voice husky with emotion. “Tibbult was my soldier, but he was your future. You decide what punishment the murderers should suffer.”

Without looking back, Isla starts to climb up and simply says, “Spike them.”


Whitley and I are the only ones left in the dungeon. Well, except for the sleeping prisoners and my decapitated friend.

I can’t stop looking at Tibbs. This is the first time I’ve ever seen a severed head through my own eyes. It’s just as grotesque as seeing it in someone’s dream, but this is real. Mere feet away, tendons, muscle, and bone are exposed.

“Do you want to stay while I carry out their sentences?” I go to the weapon rack and grab the spike by the wooden handle.

There’s an empty spot where the ax belongs. The ax that killed my friend. Tibbs was too young to die. He had his whole life ahead of him.

This never should’ve happened. Not with shackled men who were locked behind iron bars. There’s never been an instance where a lowly bandit was able to escape such a situation.

“Why?” Whitley asks, looking paler than usual. “Do you need me to stay?”

Ah, she thinks I want her here for moral support. My sweet mate. And maybe she’s right. Maybe I don’t want to do this alone.

I tilt her chin up and place a quick kiss there. “I’m not in danger, if that’s what you’re worried about, but it’s entirely up to you. There’s no honor in spiking a sleeping man, even if he does deserve it.”

“What is Glow, exactly?” Whitley’s question is a good distraction from what I’m about to do.

“Regular Day Realm water has certain useful qualities—it can accelerate healing,” I explain, grunting as I drag the Caller back into the cell. “So, naturally, when it’s concentrated, those qualities amplify. Glow is just distilled day water. It was invented by King Zander. He was trying to get rid of the plague, but his plan backfired because it didn’t cure the illness.” I turn to my mate. “Heightened powers are a side effect he never anticipated. Because of that, it’s illegal.”

“And it’s addictive?”

“The Glow itself? No. But the power? Yes.”

“Have you ever had any?”

“Absolutely not. I hate the stuff. I wish it didn’t exist. I briefly considered using it on you when I thought you might not ever come out of your coma… but I was right to resist that temptation.”

Whitley hugs her middle as Copyright 2016 - 2024