The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,70

scrutinizes the shadows in the forest around him.

His reaction is strange. If he knows he’s dreaming, what does he have to fear?

“It worked.” Whitley sounds surprised, and she excitedly pats my arm. “Let’s do something bigger.”

I tear my gaze away from my father. “Like what?”

“Do you have anything you’d like to say to your dad?”

“Of course, but he can’t see me, even now.” Stepping back, I demonstrate by waving my arms wildly.

My father doesn’t react.

A grin curls up on Whitley’s sexy lips. “You’re not thinking outside of the box. Watch.”

She reaches over to grab my hand, and her face pinches with concentration. Mist gathers in front of my father. At first, it’s just a sheer fog, but soon details lock into place. Legs. A body.

More specifically, my body.

My face and hair.

Glancing down at my tan pants, I see the same ones on the figure identical to me. All the details are there, from the lines and indents of my muscles to the scruff on my jaw.

My father freezes, his hand still on his sword. “Damon?”

I look at Whitley. “You cloned me, just like you did in your dream before this.”

Shrugging like it’s easy, she claims, “It’s just an illusion, but it’s real to your dad. What would you like to say to him?”

Impressed and grateful, I bring her hand up to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. A chance to talk to my father—this is a precious gift.

“Tell him my mate is alive and well, and the curse is broken.”

An adorable wrinkle appears on the bridge of Whitley’s nose as she stares at the fake me, and I’m shocked as shit when he speaks. The voice is an exact replica of mine. A sly smile tugs at Whitley’s mouth when she makes him add, “And she’s the most beautiful woman in all of Valora. Smart and talented, too.”

“Agreed,” I murmur, dropping another kiss to her hand.

“Is this real?” My father steps forward, peering closer. “Are you here or is it just wishful thinking?”

“Yes and no,” I respond, and Whitley handles the transfer of words, looking to me for more. “Whitley is a Seer and a Dream Weaver. When our powers are combined, we can do amazing things.”

A laugh bursts from my father, and he fist pumps the air. “I knew my plan would work. Is she here, too?”

When Whitley makes herself appear to him, it’s weird to see her how she interprets herself. Her image doesn’t do her justice. Her hair isn’t as vibrant, and the sweet curves of her body aren’t as pronounced. She’s wearing the green dress from earlier today, and she looks every bit a queen. All she needs is a crown.

“Hi, King Silas. Although we’ve met before, this feels like the first time.”

“I’m sorry for deceiving you, dear.” My father inclines his head as he clasps his hands. “And I can’t apologize enough for what happened to your parents.”

“It’s not your fault. If you or Tehya feel blame or guilt, I want you to stop.” Her image smiles up at mine. “I have Damon now, and he mends my heart a little more every minute we’re together. But there’s one thing I would ask of you. Please come back. Damon needs you, and so do I.”

My father’s face falls a little. He recovers quickly with a smile, but I caught the troubled expression. “We’ll do our best.”

I don’t want to leave. If I didn’t have other experiments I want to try with Whitley, I’d stay all night and chat with him. I’d tell him how happy I am, how lucky I feel to have such a wonderful woman by my side, and how scared I am to lose this once-in-a-lifetime love.

Because if Whitley’s premonition comes true and I die, it’ll only be a matter of time before she joins me. We agreed not to talk about death anymore, but I never promised it wouldn’t cross my mind from time to time.

I lower my mouth to her ear. “Tell him I send my love, and to pass the message along to my mother.”

I don’t want to say much more than that because if I start spouting goodbyes, my father might get suspicious or concerned.

After Whitley repeats my words, I close my eyes and pull us back into her dream. Back to the shop. Her safe place.

“That was awesome.” She beams at me. “Now what?”

“There’s something else I want to try, and this one might be more difficult.” Before she can question my plan, I say, “I want Copyright 2016 - 2024