The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,34

has a table set up next to the fireplace with a ceramic bowl, a glass container of some glittery stuff, and a kettle of steaming liquid.

Damon already warned me that she’d want to cut my hair, so I’m not surprised when she lifts her scissors and tells me she’s taking about six inches. Thanks to the amnesia, I have no preference when it comes to my personal style, so I don’t see the harm in it.

While I sit and let her do her thing, I examine her room.

Her suite is a lot different than Damon’s. Bigger. Fancier. Colorful tapestries hang on the wall and there are paintings of forests, mountains, and sunsets. Her bed is gigantic. It has a dark canopy on top and curtains hang down the sides. To keep the light out while she’s sleeping, I’m assuming, because the walls and floors are made with the glowing stones.

The light didn’t prevent me from sleeping earlier—I was too tired to be bothered by it—but I can’t imagine not being able to turn the lights off from time to time.

“Beautiful,” Astrid exclaims, standing back to admire her handiwork.

I feel my freshly snipped ends, noting they’re still several inches below my shoulders. After collecting my hair off the floor, she shoves the bunch into her pocket, then she sprinkles a few strands into the bowl.

Enthralled, I’m on the edge of my seat as she adds the rest of her ingredients. First the hot water, then the sparkly dust.

As she stirs it, mist begins spilling out, and sparks crackle in the fog like heat lightning.

“What’s that noise?” Sounding concerned, Damon tilts an ear our way.

“Electricity,” Astrid replies, her eyes flitting to me as she gestures toward the bowl. “Go ahead and put your hand in.”

“What?” I give her a hell-no look.

“Your hand.” She points, more firmly this time. “In there. We have to draw out your memories.”

Gaping at the flashing lights, I stay frozen in place. I already gave her a shit ton of my hair. Now she wants me to basically stick my hand in a giant electrical socket?

No, thanks. I might be a few bricks shy of a full load right now, but I still have some shred of self-preservation.

Astrid hums impatiently. “Have you noticed any memory triggers whenever someone says strike?”

A shock pops against my chin, and a snippet of me riding my bike around my neighborhood flickers in my mind like a dimly lit candle.

“Astrid,” Damon scolds, coming over to block me with a protective arm. “You know that word is forbidden.”

“The cursed word isn’t enough.” Astrid is completely unfazed by Damon’s menacing warning. “A tiny zap like that will only show her mundane things from her past. We need something stronger.”

“You’re not allowed to electrocute my mate. She won’t survive it.”

“She will.” Peeking around Damon, she gives me a knowing smile. “She’s not as fragile as you think, my king.”

“What does that mean?” I ask warily.

Grinning, Astrid picks up a magnifying glass and grabs my hand. She turns my wrist, bending down to inspect my veins. She goes up, traveling to my elbow as she studies… something.

“What are you looking at?” Narrowing my eyes, I lean in, trying to see what she sees.

“You have fae blood.”

“Like Quinn does?” Damon reluctantly backs off, sitting in the chair across from me.

Astrid shakes her head. “Oh, no. Not like that at all. It’s one hundred percent.” Her eyes spear mine. “You were born here.”

“What? No.” I let out a nervous laugh. “That’s not possible.”

“Why not?”

“Because.” Pulling my arm away, I shrink back in my seat. “I’m human.”

“Yes. Now, you are,” she emphasizes. “After being on Earth for so long, your body has adapted. How you got there?” Twirling a finger at her potion, she says, “We’ll find the answer here.”

Dread churns in my stomach as I listen to the buzzing sound of high voltage. Judging by how much the little shocks hurt from the cursed word, I think I can assume this is going to majorly suck. I might as well be grabbing an exposed wire.

But if this is the way to restore my memories, then I have to try. Damon’s life might depend on it. Maybe the key to all the unanswered questions about my nightmare is inside this bowl.

Taking a deep breath, I reach out, but Astrid stops me. “I need to caution you… We’re starting from the beginning, and we’re going to recover events you were too young to remember before.”

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