The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,27

need to complete the bond.”

“Which means…?”

“As humans would say, we have to bang.”


“You know, knocking boots. Bumping uglies.”

“Uh—wha—bu—” My stuttering ends with a cough. Because he’s joking. Right?

Damon’s forehead wrinkles with seriousness. “Did I get a saying wrong? Damn. What other euphemisms are there? Make whoopie, horizontal polka—”

“Stop.” Holding up a hand, I take several seconds to process his words. “Let me get this straight. You’re telling me you’re disabled, and the only way for me to fix you is to fuck you?”

He flinches. “Well, you didn’t have to be so crass about it. But yes.”

I laugh. In his face. I sound like a crazy person with my cackling bouncing off the high ceilings, but this is the most ridiculous pickup line I’ve ever heard.

That is, if I could remember any pickup lines guys have tried with me. Unfortunately, I can’t, but I’m just going to assume this one is the worst.

And that is so not happening.



As it turns out, Damon and I don’t have to make any deals to get me to eat. I’m starving.

In fact, I’m shoveling food into my mouth so fast I don’t have time to ask questions, but I’m keeping track of every bite. After I’m done, Damon will owe me, and we’re going to have a heart-to-heart.

Aside from our confusing conversation in the throne room, the only other info I’ve gotten was acquired during my shower. I saw an opportunity to make another deal, so I took it—I get clean and he tells me stuff.

While I lathered up, he stood outside the door and talked. Mostly about the people I met earlier.

I learned Kirian is the brown-haired guy, and Quinn is his wife—the Night Realm king and queen. Kai is the one who looks mean, but apparently, he’s really nice and he saved my life. Tibbs is the one with the super light hair, and Isla was the girl next to him. Damon named off a few others who were there, but I was so out of it when I woke up, I can’t put faces with names.

When he started to explain special powers and how each fae has their own unique magical ability, I couldn’t help zoning out. I can’t wrap my mind around it all, and I don’t know if it’s because my brain isn’t right or if it’s because everything about Valora seems totally unreal.

Oh, well. I’ll get it down eventually.

At least I’m in decent clothes.

After I got out of the shower, there were two outfits laid out on the dresser in the bathroom—jeans and a sweatshirt or a long dress. I chose the second.

When I came out wearing the green gown, I didn’t miss the way Damon tilted his ear toward the swishing skirt. Or the way he raised his eyebrows in surprise. Or the approving smile that followed.

I don’t understand why he thought I’d go with the pants. What girl would pass up the chance to wear a beautiful dress? Plus, it’s comfortable. The fabric is soft and formfitting, like it’s made from the smoothest silk blend.

Scraping the bottom of my bowl, I scoop up the last bite of broccoli cheese soup and pop the remaining part of my bread roll into my mouth.

My spoon clatters when I set it down. “All done.”

“Good girl.” Damon pushes a goblet of juice toward me. “Did you like the soup? Cheese and vegetables… such an odd combination, but I’m told it’s popular where you’re from.”

“It was really good, thank you.” Holding onto all the patience I can muster, I take a gulp of my drink before announcing, “Collection time. Tell me everything you know about me.”

All confidence and male arrogance, Damon relaxes, sprawling out in his chair with his hands linked over his midsection. “I can’t give you details because we just met.”

“I thought you said we’re engaged.”

“We are.”

“But you also said it’s not an arranged marriage. Explain that.”

“I told you—it’s fate.”

“What does that even mean? Why would you want to marry someone you don’t know?”

“Also,” he goes on, as if he didn’t hear me. “I don’t want to upset you.”

“Too late.” I cross my arms.

Dejected, Damon frowns as he taps his fingers on the armrest of his chair.

I rub my sternum. It’s almost as if his emotions are affecting me, because there’s an unpleasant twinge in my chest.

Should I apologize? Tell him I’m grateful and just shut my mouth? I probably wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for him. Or should I get pissed and throw some shit?

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