The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,23

you remember?” He tenderly tucks some of my hair behind my ear.

Seconds go by as I rack my brain for some bit of information, but it’s as if I’m standing on the other side of an impenetrable wall and all the answers are on the other side.

I raise a hand in a shrugging gesture. “Seeing your face just now.”

“What about before that?”

“There’s nothing.”

The pretty guy strokes my cheek. “Oh, Whitley.”

“Is that my name? What’s yours?”

“Damon.” Separating himself from me, he takes his warmth with him when he stands up. “Be right back.”

I watch as he stalks to a doorway and motions wildly at someone. A scary-looking dude comes into view. I mean, the guy is terrifying. He has at least three weapons strapped to various places on his belt. His light hair is in dreadlocks, and there are scars all over his face and arms. It doesn’t help that his expression is downright murderous.

“Your majesty,” he addresses Damon, his calm tone a contrast to how pissed he looks. “Is everything alright?”

“No. Her memory is gone.”

“I healed everything in her body.”

“But her head—”

“Her head is as good as new.”

“Then why can’t she remember who she is, Kai?”

“I couldn’t possibly understand the inner workings of the human brain. She’s one of the worst cases I’ve ever had, King Damon. To be honest, when I put my hands on her I wasn’t sure if she could be saved. Be thankful that you have her at all.”

Propping myself up on my elbows, I look around the gigantic room. About a dozen ornate chairs are shoved against a wall to my left. Huge chandeliers with unlit candles hang from above. When I try to figure out where the light source is coming from, I’m shocked to find it’s the walls.

The stones glow from within.

It’s beautiful.

In awe, I sit up, wanting to get a closer look at the high ceilings. They’re glittering. Swirls of white and gray sparkle in a mesmerizing pattern, and white wooden beams curve until they all meet at the same point.

My gawking is interrupted by the ongoing tense conversation between Damon and Scary Dude.

“You mean to tell me she might have amnesia forever? That’s unacceptable.”

“There’s no way for me to answer that. I’ve done all I can.”

Damon’s fists clench until his knuckles are white and he shouts, “Strike!”

His sudden outburst is followed by several gasps behind me, and I turn to see a small crowd of people staring at me from another doorway.

Then a few things happen all at once.

My hair floats up. So does everyone else’s. A prickling sensation races over my skin, and Damon runs to me. Before he can reach the table, I hear popping sounds coming from the onlookers and a bright spark ignites against the back of my hand.

I yelp. As I rub the spot, I’m vaguely aware of Damon talking to me. He’s cupping my face, murmuring concerned words.

But I’m too busy with the pictures flashing in my head to pay attention to what he’s saying.

I’m young. Maybe eight or nine. There’s paint on my fingers and I’m smiling. A woman is there. We’re in a bathroom and she turns out the lights. Designs illuminate on our T-shirts. The paint glows in the dark.

Just like the walls here.

“Whitley. Whitley, can you hear me?”

“Hmm?” As I gaze into Damon’s eyes, the sudden memories fade to the background like a forgotten dream. “What?”

“I’m so sorry.” He rubs my hand.

“For what?”

“I shouldn’t have said that word.”

“What word?”

“The one that shocked you.”

“Words can’t do that.” I take a second to think, because I don’t know for sure. “Right?”

“Damon, why don’t you let me talk to Whitley for a minute?” A girl with brown hair and a freckled face places her hand on Damon’s shoulder.

She’s pretty.

I have the sudden urge to break her fingers for touching my man.

My man?

What the hell is wrong with me?

I don’t want to hurt anyone. Do I? Obviously, I hit my head pretty hard, but I haven’t lost my intelligence. At least, I don’t think I have. I’m not sure how smart I usually am, but I still have enough sense to refrain from violence.

Nodding reluctantly, Damon takes a few steps back and starts whispering to a new guy. This one has long brown hair, and half of it is pulled up. His ears are shaped funny, like an elf. There’s a weapon hooked to his belt. An ax.

Both men are decked out in black leather pants, dark tank tops, and heavy-duty boots.

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