The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,14

the future? I’d like to bring her home soon.”

“There’s a split in my vision.” Astrid’s tone is glum. “One outcome is good, one is not.”

Son of a striker. Sometimes the future is dependent on certain actions. Specific events will directly affect the result, but there’s no way to know what the right answer is.

I hate it when this happens. Astrid isn’t a fan either. She doesn’t like being out of the loop.

Her wooden spoon sloshes a liquid as she stirs something in her bowl. “I’m positive about one thing, though. If Whitley stays in the human realm, she won’t make it.”

I figured as much. “The nurse sounded less than confident about her recovery. They can’t help her like we can. I’ll need a healer. A powerful one.”

“Tibbs?” Astrid suggests.

It’s not a terrible idea. He’s the best healer in the Dream Realm, but his ability can go both ways—he can do harm as well. Plus, he’s incredibly young. It takes hundreds of years for someone to hone their skills to perfection, and he’s not even forty yet.

“He’s too unpredictable.” As I scratch my jaw, I think of the one person who always performs miraculous healing when he’s needed. “Kai. It has to be him, but he’s in the Day Realm. Astrid, can you do me a favor?”

“For a small price.”

I roll my eyes. “Three secrets.”

“Five, and I’ll require something else as well.”

“What would that be?”

She’s got me by the balls, and she knows it. She could literally ask for anything right now—my castle, the crown. She could rule the Dream Realm, and all she’d have to do is say the word. So her next request surprises me.


“I’m already your friend. You’re one of my closest companions, like the grandmother I never had. You know this.”

“Not with you,” she scoffs. “While I do enjoy your company, it’d be nice to have some girl time. I’d like to get to know Whitley after she arrives.”

“Oh.” I shrug. “Sure, why not?”

“Wonderful.” Satisfied, she claps. “And Gemma already stopped by while you were in the enchanted forest. She offered her services, so I sent her to bring word to Kai. She should make it to the Day Realm by tomorrow. Her message says for him to fly straight here. We should expect him in three or four days.”

My jaw drops open. “Why didn’t you say so in the first place?”

“And miss out on the opportunity to make a deal? Who do you think I am?”

“Valid point.” I tap my chin as I consider the next few days. Waiting is going to be torture, but I don’t have much choice. “Kai won’t be able to rest when he arrives. We’ll have to go to Whitley as soon as he gets here. He’ll be exhausted, but I also need him to be at his best.”

“Good luck with that.” Astrid pushes me toward the door. “Now I have work to do. Listen carefully—no matter what you hear or smell in here over the next several hours, stay out. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I sigh. This woman and her secrets.


“I promise I won’t come in until you say I can.” A flutter erupts in my chest as the unbreakable vow between us solidifies.

“Great. In the meantime, I think you should have a visit with Whitley’s head.”

I smirk when I envision something entirely different. Something sexual. I know Astrid didn’t mean it like that, but I can’t help picturing my cock going into Whitley’s pretty mouth, stretching her lips wide as she takes me in.

Striding to my room, I mentally will my throbbing erection to be patient. I’ve waited my entire life to experience physical intimacy. A little while longer won’t kill me, and right now, I need to prepare myself for where I’m going—Whitley’s subconscious.

In the past, I’ve unknowingly entered dreams on deeper levels. I quickly learned it wasn’t a place I wanted to be. The further down I went, the scarier it got. The inner parts of a person’s subconscious is where they harbor all their darkest thoughts. It’s where impulses rule and the deepest desires are fulfilled. After a particularly disturbing incident, I vowed to never go there again.

But here I am, following my soul mate into the unknown.


The bell over the front door to my shop dings.

“I’ll be with you in a minute!” I call, narrowing my eyes at the bookshelf.

I’ve been reorganizing the back room, but it’s not going well. What’s wrong with these books? None of them have titles. They’re all brown on the outside, Copyright 2016 - 2024