The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,136

to be friends. Allies.

When my father and I get to an area where the mud isn’t so soft our boots sink into the ground, he begins pacing along with Zander.

I almost tell the Day king he can leave. This is a private moment.

But I decide to let him stay. He’s not bothering anyone, and if I get a chance, I’d like to have a few words with him. I owe him an apology. Several, actually.

No one speaks as we solemnly wait. Heavy fog rolls around our ankles, dampening our shoes. Over the rush of the waterfall, I occasionally hear the faint fluttering of sprite wings. Luna’s hanging out in a nearby tree, probably so she can report the full story to her community.

A loud crackle draws everyone’s attention to the cave.

Light flickers from behind the waterfall, and dark clouds start billowing out. The smell of burning hair, sulphur, and something else reaches my nose.

Alarmed, Zander sniffs. “Should I call my men back?”

“They’re going to kill her.” My father leaps forward.

Gripping his upper arm, I stop him. “If there’s one thing having a mate has taught me, it’s that depending on someone else isn’t so bad. Whitley knows what she’s doing.”

His muscles are taut, and his whole body is rigid, like he’s ready for a fight. I give him a look that says, don’t try me.

I’ve only used my power on my father a handful of times—most during adolescence when I wanted to break a few rules. But I wouldn’t hesitate to do it now. I’ll sedate him if I have to.

He relaxes a fraction.

It feels like hours go by as the smoke clears.

Finally, there’s movement by the cave. Shadows emerge. I squint through the mist and smog, desperately trying to see who’s coming.

Two figures. A smaller one—Astrid. Then light glints off Whitley’s red hair.

My father and I move forward to question them, but all the words get caught in my throat when Whitley shifts sideways and there’s a third person between them.

I breathe out a sigh of relief.

Mother’s leaning heavily on Whitley, but she’s walking. A bit of color has returned to her cheeks and lips, and when she smiles, I know the spell worked.

My father’s wings bust out and he half-flies, half-runs to her. Sweeping her up into his arms, he begins shouting demands.

“Someone get me some waterfall mist! And food. And a blanket.”

Zander already has everything on hand. Kneeling next to his leather bag, he hands the items to my parents.

Reluctantly accepting everything, they look at him like he’s a literal bomb.

Slashing my hand across my throat, I motion for them to stop. He’s not the enemy. He never was. I understand that their rivalry with the Day Realm runs deep, but peace is ahead.

Finally, Valora will be one world, the kingdoms united.

When Whitley gets close, I grab her, making her squeal with surprise as I spin us around. She smells like rotten eggs, but I don’t care.

While my mother sits on a rock, my father kneels at her feet, repeatedly pushing a cup toward her lips. She gazes down at him with adoration as he hugs her middle and places his head on her lap.

Her eyes jump to us and grateful tears accompany her smile. For the first time, I’m able to see her.

She’s able to see me with my sight. With my mate. Truly happy.

I refuse to let the other night count. We were all so distraught, we couldn’t enjoy our reunion. If I could erase the whole encounter, I would, but it’s part of our history now.

Something my father whispers pulls her attention back to him, and he starts patting every part of her body, looking for injury and testing for pain.

I have a feeling he’ll be doing that for a while.

“You did it,” I say to Whitley.

“Well, Astrid did. I’m not sure how much I helped, but it was neat to see.”

“She’s being humble,” Astrid contradicts as she wipes soot off her hands. “Her presence was imperative. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go wash up.”

“I should do the same.” Whitley grimaces at the charred parts of her dress.

“Not a chance, unless you plan to take me with you.” My face lights at the idea of a strip tease. “In which case, let’s go.”

She laughs. “Are you always going to be this needy?”



Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Zander slinking away.

“Hey, wait.” Hooking one arm under Whitley’s knees and another under her back, I hoist her up before jogging Copyright 2016 - 2024