The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,122

I can’t cut one of them, I certainly know how to injure myself.

The flat rock where I set the sheet isn’t too far from us, and I quickly form a new plan. As we approach the marker, I silently beg Damon to blow the damn whistle already. I need that distraction, but the sounds of the forest are all I hear. Bugs chirp, birds sing, and if I listen really hard, I think I can hear the waterfall.

When we’re about to pass the sheet, I decide I can’t wait anymore.

Letting my toe get caught on a root breaking through the ground, I make an alarmed sound as I go down.

The good ole trip and fall method.

When in doubt, trip it out.

The thought makes me giggle hysterically.

“So clumsy, this one,” someone murmurs.

“And dramatic, too.”

“And a little insane, perhaps. Are we sure we want her?”

“Yes,” Merina replies with zero patience. “Come on. Get up.”

She starts tugging on my hair.

For one thing—ouch.

And second, rude.

“Astrid’s the only witch who gets to touch my hair.” As I jerk away, my hand lands on a rough rock.

Sharp enough to cut flesh.


Pushing up from the ground, I scrape my skin over the jagged edge before I stand. The sting is followed by warmth. Cradling my palm, I smile as I watch the blood pool around the sliced skin.

Slowly, I tip my hand. A drop of blood clings to me for two seconds before falling to a leaf at my feet.

All the witches gasp as the oath disintegrates.

“Oops.” I shrug innocently. “You’re right. I’m so clumsy.”

The high-pitched ringing from Damon’s whistle finally starts echoing from the clearing, and not a second later, loud, frantic flapping comes from overhead. When I look up, I see Zander’s soldiers flying over the forest, rushing to our aid. They got here fast. Astrid must’ve been one hell of a drill sergeant getting everyone ready.

For once, the witches actually appear rattled, staggering as they try to assess the situation.

“You said you came alone,” one says angrily.

“We did.” Victory is so close I can taste it. “I just didn’t tell you we had backup coming.”

“You bitch.”

“Funny, I’ve thought the same thing about you. And guess what? Our deal is off. You can go fuck yourself.”

“Nooo,” Merina wails, raising my dagger.

She slashes at me, but I jump out of the way just in time.

Roaring battle cries startle us both, and when I look down the path, two Day Realm warriors are charging us, swords out.

The witches scatter. Three use portals, vanishing into thin air, while several others run in different directions.

I don’t wait to see what the rest do. All I want is to be back with Damon.

Snatching up the invisible sheet, I shake it out as I sprint past the men and run back to my mate.

Huddling on the ground during a fight might be a coward’s move, but I’m willing to sacrifice my pride. If I can cover us both until the action has passed, we just might come out unscathed.


Sounds of battle come from the forest, and I draw my weapon as I march after Whitley.

Playtime’s over. Like hell she’s going anywhere without me.

A few soldiers hang back, keeping guard in the clearing, and when I pass Thayne, he puts a hand on my shoulder. “Best to stay here.”

I shrug him off. “I don’t think so.”

“They’re handling it,” he calls at my back.

“Don’t care.”

“Damon!” That’s Whitley.

My heart leaps at the sound of her voice, but when I search for her, I see nothing. Then I get a glimpse of her feet as the sheet kicks up around her pumping legs. Her face peeks out, and she’s smiling.

Even though it’s just a sliver of her features, there’s never been a more beautiful sight than her running back to me.

I open my arms.

When she’s about ten feet away, I see movement in the trees behind her.


She’s there with her bow and arrow, standing on a large branch. With the way she’s aiming, she’ll hit Whitley.

I lunge forward, closing the gap between my mate and me.

Everything seems to slow. All I can hear is my pulse and the twang of the string releasing.

As soon as Whitley gets her arms around my neck, I grab her shoulders and spin. I move her just in time, because I feel the sickening crunch of bone and snapping tissue as white-hot pain spreads through my body.

When I look down, I see the rod and the sharp arrow, dripping with blood. It went through my right shoulder blade, so it’s Copyright 2016 - 2024