The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,120

her eyes, like she’s bracing herself for death.

“Stop!” I throw out a hand. “I’ll go with you.”

That earns a growl from Damon, a grunt from Silas, a cry of despair from Tehya, and another creepy-ass smile from Merina.

Grabbing my elbow, Damon yanks me toward him. “What are you doing?”

“Whatever I have to.”

If I can get the coven to let Silas and Tehya go, I just might be able to buy us some time. It won’t be a permanent solution, but we can regroup after I get away from the coven.

“But I have a condition of my own,” I add without looking away from my mate.

I hate the look of pain on his face. His eyes are filled with fear and fury, and his lips are pressed into a thin line. I know what those lips feel like on my skin. The gentle drag over my stomach. The zing of pleasure when they suction over my nipples. The comfort and security I get with just a simple peck on my chin.

I hope I get to feel that again very soon.

The witches are practically salivating as they move in closer. “Yes?”

I can’t tell which one spoke, but it doesn’t matter. “If one more drop of blood is spilled tonight, the deal is off.”

Hissing excitedly, the two with the machetes remove the sharp blades from Silas and Tehya, as if they’re afraid to nick them on accident and ruin the bargain.

As awful as this situation is, I feel a sense of rightness.

Everything I’ve been through in the past week has prepared me for this night. Damon’s frustrating elusiveness. Almost getting abducted in the Shadowlands. The sparring sessions. My decision to behead the prisoners. The spells Astrid taught me. My failed mission at the distillery.

The deaths. The tragedy. The premonitions.

It all trained me for right now.

My dad was right. Hard times really do build character.

“Agreed.” Merina’s utterly pleased.

The new oath takes place of the one that had been there minutes before. This one feels even uglier than the first, as if it’s polluting my soul.

It won’t be there for long.

Pieces of my premonitions click into place as I think ahead. When Damon blows his whistle, it’ll serve as a distraction so I can grab my dagger. I never specified whose blood would dissolve the bargain. If I stab one of the witches, the deal will break. There’ll be chaos. By then, our backup should be arriving.

“We’ll give you a minute to say goodbye,” Merina says as the witches form a circle around us. “Clock is ticking.”

“I’m sorry. I love you.” Placing my palms on Damon’s jaw, I rub his scruff with my thumbs.

“Baby, no.” He grips my wrists hard enough to leave bruises. Like he’s trying to weld us together. “Don’t do this. We’ll find another way.”

“This is how it has to be. I can’t let your parents die.”

“With the bond—”

“They said they can break it.”

Damon gives me a heated look. “I was about to say—with the bond or without it, I can’t survive without you. It doesn’t matter if you’re my soul mate or not.” He leans in close until the tip of his nose touches mine. “I’ll always choose you, Whitley.”

I savor those words. That’s probably the most romantic thing Damon’s ever said to me. Just hours ago, I was questioning his love. Wondering if we simply got stuck together.

In this moment, I realize how wrong I was earlier today. I never should’ve doubted Damon’s feelings for me.

He loves me, body and soul.

That’s when I know fate isn’t the most powerful thing in the universe. Love is. Maybe it’s enough to save us tonight.

“Trust me.”

Just two words. How many times have I asked that of Damon? I’ve lost count. But all the others don’t matter, because I can see the faith in his eyes.

His nostrils flare as he releases a breath, and he gives me the most subtle nod.

“Let Silas and Tehya go,” I demand, addressing the witches. “You don’t need them anymore.”

“All right,” one agrees. “We must say a few words before we can release them.”

The machetes are tossed to the grass and the coven starts that strange chanting thing. I can’t understand what they’re saying. I catch a couple words here and there, but it’s all nonsense—English mixed with a language I’ve never heard before.

After they’re done, there’s a jingle of keys as a witch unlocks all the shackles. After the last chain has dropped, Silas and Tehya immediately turn to each other and embrace.

Tehya shakes her head as she Copyright 2016 - 2024