The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,11

make it back before the window closes.”

“Fifteen minutes,” I grit out. “That’s hardly enough time to assess the situation and bring Whitley back here.”


Snip, snip, snip.

Leaning to the left, I move far enough away that Astrid’s scissors meet air. “What aren’t you telling me?”

She sighs heavily. “This is just a visit. Nothing more.”

“A visit?” I roar, getting to my feet. “You mean to tell me I’m going to use a portal for a fifteen-minute visit?”

“Yes. It’s the best I could do for now.”

I can’t stand the thought of waiting. Whitley’s situation is dire. It was bad enough leaving her in the dream. To leave her in real life? Knowing her existence is in peril?


My temper gets the best of me, and I kick the chair. Wood splinters explode when it hits the wall on the other side of the room.

“Hey,” Astrid harrumphs. “That was my favorite place to sit.”

Reeling in my anger, I pace in front of the fireplace. I’m usually much better at keeping my temper in check, but I feel positively feral.

I just met Whitley and I’m already losing it.

I don’t know how Kirian went so long without Quinn. I remember his fits of rage while he hunkered down here during the months she was gone. At the time, I thought he was ridiculous. Weak, even. His lack of self-control should’ve been embarrassing.

But he was experiencing the mate madness that comes with being separated. He cared about nothing but the other half of his soul.

I wasn’t kidding when I told Whitley I’d follow her into death. If she dies, I might as well end my own life as well. Otherwise, I’ll slowly succumb to the insanity others have experienced.

Stopping in front of Astrid, I ask the question I’ve been too afraid to say out loud. “Will she live?”

“Not if you take her now,” she replies softly, granting me a rare show of sympathy. “Her body is broken, my king. Bringing her to Valora won’t change that.”

“So what am I to do?”

“Go to her but don’t dally. Become familiar with the surroundings. It’s very important that you know your way around the room for the next time.”

I nod, accepting Astrid’s advice as absolute truth. When it comes down to it, I trust her. She hasn’t failed me yet.

Finding another place to sit, I allow her to finish my haircut. She isn’t taking off much. Just six inches or so. Which means she’s probably going to ask for more later. At least I’ll still have enough to cover my pointy ears, which is essential for travel to the human realm.

Anticipation courses through me as she makes it to the other side of my head. In minutes, I could be with Whitley. By her side. Touching her for real.

I just wish it were under better circumstances. I’ve waited thousands of years to meet my mate, and she won’t even know I’m there.

No matter. This is the beginning of our love story. What a unique tale we’ll get to tell our children.

“Done,” Astrid announces, going over to the closet before handing me a shirt.

As I slip it over my head, I realize it’s a human garment. A sweatshirt with a hood. She’s been preparing for this. She knew this day would come.

“Thank you,” I say, humbled and grateful.

Taking my elbow, Astrid guides me to a corner as she continues, “Remember—fifteen minutes. You’ll hear the portal when it starts to close, and you better bring your royal butt back here unless you want to be stuck there with no way to help Whitley. Oh, and one more thing…”

“Yes?” I prompt impatiently.

“I’ll need a strand of her hair. Just one will do. Pluck it out at the root.”

Not wanting to delay with questions, I nod.

A second later, I hear the portal slipping from her palm. When it hits the floor, a burst of magic comes at me. The clock is ticking now.

I rush forward, and cool humid air coats my skin as I walk through the barrier.

Immediately calling on my other senses, I try to get a good picture of where I am. From the way the sounds bounce off the walls, I’d say the room is approximately twelve by fourteen feet.

My ear twitches as I listen to the hum of the machines, Whitley’s heartbeat, and her rhythmic breathing generated by the equipment.

I follow a faint dripping sound, and I sense a large object in front of me. A bed. My fingers meet scratchy cotton sheets at the end of the mattress.

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