The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,108

branches, and others pop their heads out of their doors. Maisel was right—I can’t tell a difference between male and female. They’re all beautiful.

“She’s here!” someone shouts, and they flock to us.

Completely ignoring Damon and me, they swarm around Maisel. Their high voices all blend together as they praise her for her bravery and offer condolences for what happened.

I stand still as they use my arms and shoulders as a place to land. One even sits on my head. They have no regard for personal space. I might as well be a statue, but I don’t mind it. They’re concerned about Maisel, and to be honest, it’s refreshing to encounter people who don’t bow down to me.

A pink-haired beauty cups Maisel’s face and feels her forehead. I get the impression she’s the leader, because everyone seems to be watching her for a command.

“We need to get the harness,” she orders. “We don’t have much time.”

Someone flies off immediately to carry out the task. When they get back, it’s a group effort as they fit Maisel’s legs and arms into a shimmery contraption. The white material looks soft, like the prom dress I bought but never wore.

I try to help, but my fingers get pushed aside as they secure two buttons behind Maisel’s back.

Finally, the leader looks at me, acknowledging my presence for the first time. “Thank you for bringing her to us. We’ll take it from here.”

“Luna,” Maisel protests weakly. “I want them to stay.”

Luna looks at her like she’s lost her mind. “Other than releasing you from a web you never should’ve been trapped in to begin with, what did they do to deserve this honor?”

Ouch. Reality is harsh, but she isn’t saying anything I haven’t already thought myself. Damon’s hand spasms on my back, like he wants to say something on our behalf, but I stop him with a look.

“They’re my friends,” Maisel insists.

Pursing her lips, Luna glances at Damon. “Fifteen gold pieces.”

“No.” Maisel holds out a hand. “I’m using my last wish for this.”

Several sprites gasp.

Obviously, that’s a big deal.

I don’t know what sprites are allowed to ask for at the end, but the fact that Maisel used her last wish on me is humbling.

“Whitley and Damon have already fulfilled anything I could’ve ever wanted,” she states as her loyal eyes drift to me. “You’ll always be my queen.”

“Oh, Maisel.” My nose and eyes burn, and my chest quakes with a sob I manage to contain.

“Very well.” Luna barely spares me a glance as she wraps the end of a string on the harness around her wrist.

Two other sprites do the same, and when they slowly elevate, I realize the harness is sort of like a swing. Intrigued, I watch as they lift Maisel away from me. I follow her with my hands until she’s too high to reach.

At the last second, she turns back and slides her pinky over mine before we part. “Promise you won’t forget me.”


“Goodbye, Whitley.”


My vision becomes blurry from the wetness pooling in my eyes, and I can’t hold back any longer. Hot streams spill down my cheeks as every sprite joins in the circle around Maisel.

“A queen cries for one of us,” someone from the group whispers, shocked.

I don’t hear them say anything else after that because the buzzing of their wings drowns everything out as they go higher in the air.

Hooking an arm over my shoulders, Damon pulls me close as we stare in awe. They take Maisel above the village, and when they get to the top of the tallest tree, they stop for a brief second.

Then they all drop, like they’re on a roller coaster.

With her arms spread wide, Maisel grins as they zip through treetops, around homes, and through the leaves. They swoop overhead, barely missing us as they speed by.

From the laughter tinkling out of the bunch, you’d never know this ritual is about death. It sounds like a party.

Now I realize why she needed to be here. They’re giving her something I couldn’t—one last flight with her people.

Rising above the trees, they spin in the sky. Like a cyclone, they twirl downward before rushing by us again.

It’s awesome to see Maisel happy. She’s still smiling, but she looks tired. Eventually, her eyes start drooping. Her arms lower, her head dips, and her body becomes limp.

After one more circle around the village, her entourage descends. Carefully, they take her to the ground, placing her on the big diamond in the middle of the design.

She doesn’t move. Copyright 2016 - 2024