Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,97

the shit out of everyone. The second Trice went to grab me I yanked his hand down, stepped over the arm and took it with me in a lock that he had no choice to follow before rolling to his back and ending by me putting him on his ass. Then, before anyone could do anything to stop me, I ran as fast as I could to my Chosen One.

“Lucius!” I shouted his name after throwing myself in his arms, meaning he had no choice but to catch me. Thankfully, his armour retracted at the same time so the impact wouldn’t hurt and left the man I loved beneath the demonic battle suit.

I had at least managed to tame the beast back.

I buried my head in his neck as he lifted me higher and I breathed him in deep.

“Amelia.” He said my name, whispering it in utter relief into my hair at the same time his arms tightened around me. Then, as he lowered me, his arms unwound from me so he could frame my face as if needing to see that I was unharmed.

“Are you alright, Sweetheart?” he asked, and I nodded, hearing Vern’s comment,

“Och, I think we hae missed something big 'ere, brothers.”

“Aye,” Gryph agreed whereas Trice had regained his stance and said nothing, even if his stern, hard features pretty much said it all…he was furious.

However, these comments only managed to bring Lucius’ attention back to those responsible for taking me from him and the second he looked over my head and growled low in his throat, I knew this was ‘oh shit’ time. Especially when he didn’t even glance down at me before he was letting me go and telling me,

“Wait here!” His hard unyielding, and scary voice told me what was coming next.

“No! Lucius, no…” He ignored me and started walking over to the brothers, forcing me to go running after him.

“Amelia, do as you’re told!” Lucius barked at me as I caught up.

“Aye, Amelia, dae as yer Master commands!” Trice snapped after drawing his sword. I looked back at him over my shoulder and snapped,

“Not helping here!”

Lucius shot me a furious look and warned,

“Get back!”

“NO!” I shouted and this time, pushed his chest to get him to stop, something he didn’t do. No, instead he grabbed me by the waist and moved me to one side but then the second I was free I ran and jumped on his back. Once there I hooked my ankles around his waist and spun my body round, letting my weight fall backwards so my hold on him meant he had to come following after me. Then when we were both on the floor I quickly straddled him, tried to pin him there and shouted down at him,

“It wasn’t their fault! They didn’t know!” Suddenly, I was flipped and the roles reversed as he shouted down at me,

“They knew that they were acting against their King!” Then he pushed back up from me and was suddenly producing his own sword and getting ready to strike Trice who already had raised his blade before him. I quickly scrambled to my feet and just before they could start fighting I tried one more thing.

“If you do this…if you fight them and hurt any of them then I swear to you, Lucius, I will never fucking forgive you! NEVER!” I shouted making him finally take pause. He looked back at me over his shoulder in utter shock.

“Please…don’t do this, don’t make me hate you for hurting them.” Lucius’ eyes narrowed on me and opened his mouth to speak but whatever he was going to say got lost. Because when he did, that was when I saw Trice trying to use this to his advantage. Suddenly fearful for a new reason my body reacted, doing so in a way like never before. Not even like the day in the Janus Temple with the witch. It was all so different.

Rage. Panic. Pain. It all ripped through me, starting at what felt like my belly, before it suddenly exploded!

“I SAID NO!” I screamed so loud that it felt like it rattled my spine! At the same time a red bloody stream of air rushed from my entire body and travelled like another form of me towards the four men. It was a silhouette that only got bigger and bigger until by the time it hit them, it was the size of a house.

It slammed into all of them and knocked everyone down like they

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