Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,95


“Oh no…no, no, no, this is bad…so fucking bad,” I muttered before looking up at the three sets of wings that were currently flying me away from the one man I had just been trying like all Hell to get to! And why, all because of three brothers who had taken in Lucius’ fucking slave act and now they felt guilty they had sold my soul for their own.

Gods, this was bad. No, this wasn’t just bad, this was utterly fucked! I needed to fix this! I needed to do something or what could potentially happen next would be three deaths I would forever have on my conscience. Three brothers who I had come to care about. But then I also knew this could end up being an impossible task and that I would have to have a backup plan. Maybe I could somehow get them to my father or even my grandfather for that matter to ask for his protection? For surely Lucius didn’t have any claim if they were in someone else’s realm? Then again, he still owned their souls, so I was clutching at straws because I had no idea how the hell this worked!

Oh Gods!

Well, whatever it was, I knew that I needed to get them to at the very least stop, as the further away from Lucius they took me, it would only mean the harder it was for me to get back.

“HEY!” I shouted hoping my voice would carry over the wind. The sky around us was a light grey and below us was a dark brown clearing that was surrounded by dark green trees of some creepy looking forest.

“HEY, you kind-hearted but totally wrong BLOCKHEADS!” I shouted finally making them hear me as a Gryphons head was the first to look down at me.

“Hey yeah, remember me, THE GIRL YOU JUST KIDNAPPED!” I shouted again hoping they would get the message and the second one head looked to another, which I think must have been the Trice’s Cockatrice, we started going down.

“Oh, thank the Gods,” I muttered the closer to the ground we got and all I could hope for was that this time, it was a softer landing. Because breaking anything at this point was only going to end up being the rotten cherry and bitter icing on the cake!

But then I had at least one thing to be thankful for and could be classed as going my way, as when I was but six feet from the ground the claws opened up and let me go. Thankfully, I was ready for it and even though I didn’t by any means land gracefully, I didn’t hurt myself this time.

So, I pushed myself up just in time to see three majestic creatures all separated in a torrent of power as the air around their beasts was being sucked towards them and creating a side on tornado. Then the second the creatures each landed I sucked in a startled breath muttering,


They were utterly incredible.

I watched open mouthed as that cyclone of energy swallowed them whole and what walked from the centre of each was the figure of a man. This was when I started running, and the moment I got close enough I started on them,

“What the Hell were you thinking!?” I snapped making each of them look at each other in confusion.

“She's gaen bat shit crazy, mist have bin th' fall,” Vern said first before Trice folded his large arms across his chest and said,

“I think ye will fin' we wur saving yer ass from bein' a fckin’ sex' slave fur th' rest of yer mortal life!” At this I closed my eyes, muttered a prayer and shook my head as the true shit show this had turned out to be really took shape. And well, I was the only one to blame for it all! Gods, but if I had just told Trice who Lucius was to me when I had the chance, then none of this would have happened.

“It wasn’t like that,” I told him making him frown in annoyance.

“Aye fur it didnae look lik' that when ye wur sat on his lap collared lik' a fckin' dog 'n' bein' drank from lik' a fckin’ meal!” He snapped sarcastically with his accent coming out thicker with his anger. This made me sigh and tell him again with more force this time,

“And I am telling you that it wasn’t like that!”

“Bit lassie, ah thought this wis whit ye wanted?” Gryph said, being

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