Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,94

yet seen a single window.

“Fuck!” I hissed before taking in the rest of the room and taking note of its unusual décor. Unusual in the fact that for being in a castle like this, it actually looked somewhat normal and even, if such a thing were possible…homely.

But I ignored the Persian colours of my father’s ancient world and the fact that this was obviously an office of sorts, focusing instead on the sound of fighting that seemed to be coming from directly outside the door. I knew the sound of a demon’s warning growl anywhere and I also knew that it didn’t belong to Lucius like I hoped. I then heard the clashing of weapons and the haunting sound of blood being spilled followed by the cry of death.

Oh shit.

I sucked in a panicked breath and quickly looked around for a weapon of any kind. In the end, a fire poker was all I could find, and I held the wrought iron pole as though it was Excalibur itself, glad that at the very least it had a pointed end.

“Seriously, how does this shit keep happening to me?” I questioned just before it all went silent in the hallway outside the door. My gaze was riveted on that handle and I knew the second it moved I would jump a fucking mile and no doubt scream like a girl!

But then when nothing happened I knew I had to check, as for all I knew then the soldiers could have been the ones to eliminate the threat and I was stood in here shaking in anticipation and worry for no good reason.

So, I bravely crossed the room while still holding my pathetic weapon best I could, I tried the door, half expecting it to be locked. However, what I wasn’t expecting was for it to be freezing cold!

“Ah, what the hell?!” I shouted as it burned my hand and I stumbled back a few steps. But then I looked back up and saw that ice was now taking over the door, sealing me in for good. I couldn’t understand what was happening, as in no time at all I was soon looking at a wall of solid ice!

After this came the thundering rumble like the earth was being split open by Poseidon himself, as not many people knew but he was more than just the God of the sea but also of earthquakes…oh and of horses. But really, how that helped him when supposedly living in the sea was anyone’s guess, as it’s not like they were great swimmers!

“AH!” I shouted again as the floor beneath my feet shook for a second time and I dropped my weapon with a clatter just so I could reach out and try to steady myself. But then, instead of finding something to hold onto, what I actually found was something living.

I knew this when the solid muscle moved beneath my hand and the second I stepped away from it I found a hand clamped over my mouth. I hadn’t even had a chance to turn and face the new threat head on. No, instead I was left looking panicked and staring at my distorted figure in the ice. But this wasn’t all I saw as the massive dark figure behind me was hard to miss. What with their glowing white eyes and demonic stare.

Then suddenly as a muffled scream ripped through me everything within me, turned from ice…

To black.


Innocent Mistakes

The second my conscious state started to take in the motion of movement, one that was constant and in that of a rhythm, I knew that I was being carried. The feel of the air blowing through my hair and along my skin was one that started to bring me around quicker. Which meant that when I finally did open my eyes it took me a moment to stop being confused and figure out why I was seeing the sky upside down.

My head had fallen back, making the pain in my neck tell me it had been like this a while when I tried to move. Then when I looked up, I saw a sight I had seen once before.


I looked to what I appeared to be trapped in and saw another sight I knew.

Giant clawed feet.

Naturally, my reaction to this was to hiss,

“Oh fuck.” This was when it all started coming back to me. I had been put into a room and told to stay there. I had heard the fighting. Then came ice.


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