Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,87

match.” His disapproving look had me bursting out laughing, so he lay back to the bed with a groan and I continued to tease,

“Oh, and I think a bell on you would come in handy too, a big one…” I said trying not to laugh.

“Uh huh,” he responded in a growly way as he covered his eyes with his thick and muscular arm. I rolled so I could now be the one to lean over him, loving the way his arm automatically left covering most of his face and came around my back to nestle me closer to his side.

“Yeah, that way I will hear you coming and know when you are trying to sneak up on me,” I told him, making him crack an eye open to glance up at me. I just loved seeing how his lips twitched when finding me funny. Then I felt his hand run up the back of my spine until his fingers found their way under my still damp hair by my neck.

“Oh, I think I would still find a way,” he replied making me smile against his chest, where I nestled my head.

“High heels then, as there is enough glass, marble and crystal in this place that there is no way I wouldn’t hear you coming then,” I joked.

“Ah yes, because I have heard men wearing heels is very sexy and would be a great way in Hell to get me taken even more seriously as a leader,” he mused sarcastically. But then I lifted up my head, flicked his nose and informed him,

“If anyone could make it work, then you could, kitten.” Again, I was rewarded with that lip twitch of his that I absolutely adored. I loved being able to make him smile, but even more so when I knew I could still do it despite him obviously trying to stay serious. His hand curled at the back of my neck tighter as he brought my face closer to his and said tenderly,

“Missed my funny girl.” After this there was a clicking sound and the weight I had been getting used to around my neck was gone. Then with his other hand he reached across himself to pull the collar free from my neck and dropped it to his side.

“I will leave this right here…you know…just in case,” he said in a teasing way before getting closer to me and growling over my lips,

“Now sleep, my kitten.” After this he kissed me in a quick but sweet gesture and guided my head back to his chest so I could stay nestled against him. I breathed deep and let the scent of him wash over me in a comforting way before letting out a contented sigh. Then after a while his breathing started to even out and for some reason my mind was wired.


“Umm?” He mumbled in a sleepy way and his brows went up in question even as his eyes stay closed.

“Are you still awake?”

“Clearly you want me to be,” was his dry yet lethargic response.

“Sorry, I should let you sleep,” I agreed feeling bad and he released a sigh and told me,

“I will sleep easy knowing you can’t get fucking far.” I chuckled at this and looked back at the bottom of the bed…he certainly had that right.

“That and if you quit being chatty any time soon,” he added wryly making me poke him in the ribs. Then he trailed his fingertip across my neck and I looked up to find him now looking down at me. Obviously, something new was on his mind and before I got to ask he told me softly,

“He died too easily for what he did to you.” I smirked back up at him and said,

“Well, if it helps ease your mind, then before you ripped his horns out and severed his head in that easy way you think he died, then to the memory of his death you can also add the sight of me hitting him over the head with a bed pan about fifty times.” At this he chuckled and said,

“Oh don’t worry, Sweetheart, that is a memory that will stay with me a long while yet…although, I think we need to work on your hog-tying skills,” he said reminding me that he had seen the memory for himself when getting it from his second in command. I couldn’t help but blush before replying,

“Um, wonder how we will do that.” At this he rolled into me so that I was on

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