Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,79

said all about the vulnerability I was feeling. This was just as he started to run his fingertips through his release that still decorated my stomach and breasts. He gathered some of it up and dragged it down my belly and even further before trailing it through my sex, making it quiver against the slightest touch.

Then he answered me, doing so at the same time as explaining just what it meant,

“…granting her this reward,” his voice said on a growl at the same time making my back arch up as he pushed two thick fingers inside me, ones now coated with his thick cum. He worked me quick and hard, with his thumb strumming over my clit, and when he started to slow down, I nearly screamed at him when I thankfully knew why,

“Give me your eyes and I will let you come.” Suddenly my eyes shot open and I did as I was told, knowing that in that moment I would have done anything he asked me to do, just for the chance of this orgasm. One I was in blind desperation for. And thankfully, this time it was one he gave me, as the second he said,

“Come Amelia, come for your King!” This was when I didn’t just come…

I. Fucking. Came. Apart!

I came so hard black spots clouded my vision, and I vaguely heard screams of pleasure deafening my own ears and with my mouth open, head thrown back, that was how I knew they were coming from me. The power of it slammed into me so hard I felt as if I wouldn’t survive it.

For how could I possibly survive this?!

This was because it didn’t slowly come up through me like they usually did but exploded in a sudden attack that consumed my entire body! It affected every inch of me, as wave after wave it continued to roll through my every nerve, as if it would never end.

But then my world started to go black, as the force of it finally consumed my consciousness.

My dark new world with only one man at the centre of it all…

My Masterful King…Lucius.


Creating Monsters

I only started to come to when I felt lips at my ear and a voice luring me back to my reality,

“Come back to me, Amelia…come back to me so I can take you there again.” At this my eyes opened and the second they did, I found Lucius above me, holding himself there.

“There she is,” he whispered before granting a soft kiss against my lips, one he didn’t yet deepen. But then I felt him sit back and that still hard, heavy cock was sitting at the ready. It was also something he used to rub the tip up the seam of my sex, coating it with the release he had finally granted me. This was when I knew that I must have only passed out for a few minutes. Because it was as if nothing had changed, other than Lucius now looked ready to go back to his punishment.

I frowned down at him, seeing his attention was solely on watching his own actions as he continued to use his cock to rub against me and I just prayed it wasn’t just another way to tease me. This was why I uttered his name in question,

“Lucius?” After this his gaze snapped up to mine and that heat I had seen there was now burning a blaze of crimson in his eyes.

He wanted me.

“Not having you the way I want you, is punishment for the both of us by my own doing…” he said taking pause as if thinking deeply about what he wanted to do.

“Lucius?” I questioned his name on a barely heard whisper.

“Fuck punishment…you’re mine!” He snarled and then followed his admission with action as he suddenly thrust inside me!

I cried out once more as the pleasure of being reunited with his body had me almost shattering around him at the first stroke of my insides. He roared his own pleasure and with it, he grasped the shards restraining my legs and with a twist of his wrists, he shattered the lengths, freeing me in a second. The moment this happened I watched the dangerous pieces liquify and travel back to where they had come from, so I could relax in the knowledge it wouldn’t cut my skin to shreds.

Once out of the way Lucius grabbed my calves and wrapped my legs around his ass as he rested more of his weight against me. Although

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