Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,73

was at me in a heartbeat, licking the seam of my lips until I let it go so he could warn me,

“That lip doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to me and biting it, well…that’s my job.” I let out a moan as the pain of his teeth taking hold of my lip only managed to turn me on more, and he knew it as the second he let it go, his own tipped up on one side into a knowing smirk.

“It pleases me to know that my girl also likes the bite of pain with her pleasure, for I most certainly enjoying giving it to you…especially after all you have put me through recently,” he said making me flinch at the last part, needing no more reminders of the pain my actions had caused him.

“Speaking of which, I gave you an order, Pet,” he said nodding down at my legs and waiting for me to comply. So, I swallowed down my shyness and did as he asked, not thinking it wise to push him or test his need for control.

Then once I was where he wanted me, I was forced to watch as he held his left hand out behind him. His metal covered palm now faced one of the black shards that surrounded us. I frowned in question, but it wasn’t for long as I soon found myself sucking in a quick breath at the show of power. The shard started to liquify with the outsides of it rolling down itself until the rest followed and the sharp tip was no more.

It continued to flow down as if it was bleeding away until it reached the base and became the consistency of glue, thickening until it formed shape. Then it started to snake across the bed towards Lucius, making me flinch back. But then, just as I was about to pull my leg back to my body to get away, Lucius’ right hand snapped out and shackled my ankle before I had chance. After this he merely gave me a look, one that commanded I do as I was told, even if the added words weren’t needed,

“Do. Not. Move.”

After he was confident I would follow his order, he released my leg and like his armour, he manipulated the strange Hellish substance until it was touching my skin. The second it touched me I had to force myself to hold still as it did. It was cold, so cold that it sent a chill up my body making me suck in a breath through my teeth. Lucius watched my reactions, enjoying the sight as he smirked.

“Enjoying yourself?!” I couldn’t help but snap, turning his smirk into a full blow grin before he answered,


This single word was emphasised when he flicked his wrist as the black glue suddenly hardened around my ankle like a steel shackle. When Lucius looked satisfied, he did the same to the other leg, and this time praised me when I allowed it to happen without him needing to intervene by restraining me.

“You’re learning, Pet,” he said after he ran his bare fingertips up the inside of my thigh, flicking the long part of my dress aside at the split in the material. I shuddered making his lips twitch in the barest hint of amusement, before that stern hardness took over and he nodded to my arms.

“Spread them wide,” he ordered and instead of doing as he asked this time, I pushed up with them, so I was sitting up slightly to look at him,

“Lucius, I…” My sentence was abruptly cut off the second he was suddenly on me, straddling my hips with his knees either side of me. He looked so damn scary and masterful, I swear I stopped breathing. He then framed my waist with both hands and with a quick jerk of my torso, my arms slid from under me, no longer holding me up and making me fall flat back onto the bed.

Then he gripped a wrist in his hand, leant over me and stretched my arm to the side.

After this, I knew what I truly had in store for me. For Lucius hadn’t been exaggerating, he really did mean to punish me. My proof of this came when he told me exactly what I should be doing.

Proof when he warned on a sexual demand…

“You…should obey me.”


Seductive Torture

“You…should obey me,” he advised with a stern tone that added to the warning, as he waited for another shard to liquify and shackle me

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