Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,68

I…” I tried but he shook his head and continued,

“Do have any idea the blind fucking panic you caused me?” This time when he asked I gave him what he needed and that was the time to get it all out. Of course, my guilt tripled!

“I had only just got you back,” he added and finally I shackled his wrist with my hand and squeezed before giving him what he needed,

My understanding.

And as Han Solo would say, I told him…

“I know.”


My Demon’s Bedroom

The moment I agreed with his pained statement in just getting me back he gave me more.

“I nearly lost my fucking mind!” He told me and this time the guilt of what I put him through made me close my eyes and whisper,

“For that I am sorry.”

After this his hand left my chin and cupped my cheek before threading through my hair until it was at the back of my neck. Once there he pulled me closer to him as he tipped his forehead to mine, holding it there as he whispered,

“I know you are, my brave foolish girl.” Hearing this made me lose hold of my breath, making it come out in an emotional shudder.

“Is that why you acted that way towards me?” I asked making him release me so as he could pull back and tell me,

“You think I would take revenge against you in such a way?” He asked making me admit,

“Well…yeah.” At this he surprised me when he burst out laughing. Admittedly, I had to say the sight nearly brought me to tears as it was one down in his throne room, I thought I had lost. That deep relief hit me again and I sucked in my bottom lip to stop the emotions from turning to tears. This was because I could barely believe that we were both here, we found each other at last. Because there were times that I feared it would never happen. That he had been taken by the witch and I would only end up having to fight to get him back. But it was also that hopeless feeling too that I had been made to go through when down in his prison, believing my life was possibly at an end.

But then looking at Lucius, and well, Hell was unsurprisingly something that had obviously taken its toll on both of us, only in different ways. As I knew my own story, but what I didn’t know yet was Lucius’.

Hence the reason I asked,

“Then why did you treat me that way?” At this the humour left his eyes, along with the crinkles that appeared at the corners whenever he smiled.

“Because this is my world you are in now and trust me when I say it is nothing like the one I rule on Earth’s plane.” At this I would have scoffed, ‘yeah, no shit’ but stopped myself choosing instead to say,

“And in this world, you can’t be seen with a Queen?” At this his gaze softened and he reached down to run a thumb over the apple of my cheek before grazing it across my lips.

“No, in this world I can’t be seen to have a weakness, one that would be used against me by my enemies.” I frowned in question before he walked away putting distance between us so he could sit opposite me. This gave me the opportunity to glance around at the space we now occupied to find it surprisingly comfortable considering where we were. Shards of black glass curled up like wrought iron spindles to create the sides of both the single chair I was sat upon and also the large sofa Lucius chose to sit on. The back rose up higher than my shoulders and curved around like a large ominous wave to give a place for the crimson cushions to rest against. In fact, I didn’t know whether it belonged in the Adams’ Family house or in some art gallery on display.

“But then again, I am not the only ruler in Hell who has enemies that would jump at the chance to take advantage of the opportunity to claim you.” I frowned at this, naturally needing that statement clarifying.

“What do you mean?”

“Your father is no saint in this world, Amelia, and has many a time played judge, jury, and executioner to his own kind. And where do you think those that do wrong get to spend what is left of their lives…where do you think they get sent for punishment?” He stated as

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