Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,47

his shoulders and simply held out his hand as a silent order for one of the servants to fill a new goblet, now the ‘filtering process’ had finished.

I had no fucking time for any of this and one sly look at Asmodeus and the cocky bastard knew it! So, I decided to get straight to the point,

“I am here in search…”

“I know exactly why you are here, for you believe you have lost something that belongs to you,” he interrupted, before taking a large sip of his fucked-up preference in wine. I opened my mouth to speak again when he got in there first,

“All in good time, but first I must insist we dine.” Oh, fuck yeah, this asshole was playing with me. This was confirmed when he suddenly announced,

“Oh, but wait, how rude of me, for we forgot to set you a dinner setting.” Then he clicked his fingers and a beautiful redhead in a scarlet silk robe stepped from behind an elaborate screen. It was one that unsurprisingly showcased a silk painting of an orgy that was made up of six framed panels and was where servants stood behind waiting for their master’s orders. The redhead sauntered towards me with an emphasised sway of her hips and I inwardly cringed knowing what was coming…

A fucking test.

I knew it the second his grin widened to display a row of white teeth, with only just the bare the hint of demonic fangs. A pair that looked to be at the ready when his own ‘plate’ was walking towards him. She was an exotic looking beauty, with an abundance of perfect curves covered in silky dark skin and a halo of tight orange curls.

“Ah, my sun in the dark, what a treat licking cream off your cunt will be,” Asmodeus said as he held out a strong hand for her to take as she seated herself at the edge of the table where he sat, doing so with a smile. I heard the clearing of a throat, prompting me to do the same and forcing me to therefore unclench my fist.

The redhead took my hand and took her own place in front of me, seating her sizeable ass to the edge. Asmodeus most definitely had a thing for curves that was for sure. However, all I could think about was one woman’s body and it wasn’t the fiery redhead that was currently flicking her hair back like she was some kind of Goddess. I didn’t even bother resisting the urge to roll my eyes, not giving two shits about what the fuck this girl felt about my obvious distaste for her. Or anyone on this fucked up sordid table for that matter.

But then, clearly undeterred, the girl reached behind her and picked a strawberry from the living fruit bowl between a girl’s legs. This was done before bringing it to her lips and biting into it, in what she no doubt hoped for was in a seductive manner. Then, as she let the juices run down her chin, she added to the sticky red liquid as it travelled her skin, doing so by running the bitten fruit down in between the valley of her pert breasts. However, the moment she started to circle one rose tinted nipple, coating them in the crimson fruit, I looked around her frame and in a bored tone said,

“I am not here to taste your particular flavour of sin, Asmodeus.”

“No, I suppose not since you have recently discovered your own mortal flavour,” he replied in a knowing tone that had me gritting my teeth despite how subtle the mention of Amelia’s blood was. But even then, my refusal went unheard as he simply signalled for more of his servants to come forward. All were near naked men this time with nothing covering their erect cocks.

The white open waistcoats matched both the stark paleness of their skin, and the bow ties at their necks. Each carried large urns cut from black glass at their shoulders making their muscles bulge. Their eyes had been painted black and the streaked track marks ran down their faces where they had cried through the thick clay-like substance used.

Two came to stand either side of me at the ready with the urns held high and waiting for the other two to do the same. It was like a mirror image across from me, as slaves took the same position either side of their Lord. Then with a nod of his head, they

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