Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,42

turned he became something else entirely…

He was the only one of his kind.

It was why his existence was such a well-guarded secret. For Lucifer he was the ultimate weapon but for me, well…

He was my brother.

But both meant that he could be used against us and even though he was tied to Lucifer by blood, it also meant that he was tied to me in the same way also. It was why, if I chose to be, I could quite easily have become Lucifer’s biggest threat of power. For Dariush not only felt loyalty to both of us but only one of us had the power over his mind. And well, it wasn’t Lucifer as he would have preferred it to be.

Besides, like I said, we were brothers and that came before being sons of the Devil. We had spent time in the mortal realm together, always doing so under the ruse of him being my second and long before Adam was turned. But then, when we found ourselves constantly being forced back to deal with an entirely different kingdom, we knew things had to change. For it was a usual occurrence, as our realm in Hell couldn’t go long without being dominated under the hand of a ruthless ruler.

That was when the decision was made for Dariush to take my place. Something that allowed me the freedom to forge my own destiny and eventually pave the way to strengthen my kingdom in the mortal realm. This had been fortunately achieved with great success, much to Dom’s annoyance.

And speaking of Dominic and annoyances, it was time to go and visit an entirely different ruler…

The Prince of Lust…Dom’s father.

Now all I had to hope for was that the portal into his realm was still accessible, or time will have been wasted. For I would simply have no choice but to go back to my castle to seek aid, as one of Dariush’s many talents is he could create a shifter portal to anywhere. His power in being able to summon the doorways seemed endless, creating them both between worlds and the realms they were built up of. It was one of his greatest gifts, whereas others with even the slightest use of the same power could only manage to create a portal a few times a year. This was because the amount of power and energy it took was astounding.

However, Dariush could create one with little trouble and as I said, he seemingly had an endless amount of energy to offer. But no one knew this, which was why we didn’t exactly abuse the talent…at least not in front of others. For the being with the keys into any place in Hell, Heaven, and everything in between, was a dangerous commodity that others would kill to exploit. But then again, he was Lucifer’s secret weapon, so his talents weren’t surprising to us. And because of this, it was also why I didn’t choose to trust him just yet, for Lucifer would always have that hold on him, being his maker.

What can I say, other than it was a fucked-up family dynamic if ever there was one!

Luckily for me however, my worry had been for nothing as the portal that had been created was still intact and wasn’t as unstable as I feared it might be. Because without use, then some of these doorways created just didn’t have enough power to maintain themselves and simply vanished. Portals usually drew from the energy of the beings that used them and a trip to the level of lust was naturally a popular place for most. After all, sex was sex no matter what kind of creature/creation or being of Hell you were. And should its ruler be feeling generous at the time, then he was usually all too willing to oblige those looking for a hardcore version of the act.

The portal was situated not too far away from my castle and just on the other side of the Echoing Forest, next to a cluster of caves. I could see the energy waves comes from the distorted space of scenery, telling me it was active and from the looks of things, used often.

I scoffed as I landed the moment a break in the trees would allow, not exactly being surprised by my people’s choice of holiday destination. I took one look at the portal and readied myself for what was ahead, calling forth the rest of my demonic armour that was as natural as allowing

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