Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,20

without looking at me and I flinched at the hurtful words, a reaction he obviously ignored. No, instead of giving way to my feelings, he took sure and long strides towards the end of the walkway, one that was too far away to see what awaited us. But then, after a longer stretch of silence fell between us I was surprised when he not only was the one to end it, but it was what he said to end it that surprised me the most.

“You never feared heights before,” he said in what thankfully seemed like a slightly less pissed off way.

“I never feared you before either…things obviously change,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. And boy, did I know my mistake when suddenly I found my feet back on the floor and my back being pressed against the cracked sides of the walkway. I was quickly caged in by the angry demonic King, as his wings spread wide and his horns butted against the fragile looking wall at my back, making it crack around the tips.

“AH!” I cried in fright as one hand then joined the tapered points of his horns as he slammed his palm against the wall, making cracks branch out angrily next to my head before his other hand fisted my hair. Then he yanked it back, forcing me to look up at him and the bite of pain made me hiss out a breath. It also made me do as he silently commanded for me to do so as the pain stopped, becoming now nothing more than a firm hold of me.

After this he snarled down at me,

“You will fear what I want you to fear, girl!” I swallowed hard and decided in that moment not only to be brave but to be what many would have considered suicidal! Because my own temper, the one that had been simmering under the surface for too long now, suddenly couldn’t be contained any longer. And he knew it as my eyes narrowed and my back straightened despite the hold he had on me, or the hurt it caused to do so. Because down there in his throne room I had reason to side with caution, thinking that pushing him in front of his Kingdom would be forcing his hand when that hand didn’t want to be forced.

But as for now, well that hand was currently fisted in my hair, doing so of its own free will despite us being alone. Which meant my reasons for reining back my anger were no longer facing us as a sea of demonic faces all eager for that show of domination from their King.

Because Lucius wasn’t my King or my Ruler.

He wasn’t the Boss of me or my Master.

He was my Chosen One.

Which was why I had to know. I had to know that even if in Hell he was still that to me. That he was still my Chosen One down here and the only way to know fully was to push him. To push him enough just to see if he would hurt me or not. I knew it might have seemed slightly crazy, but I just had to know.

I. Had. To. Know.

So naturally being me when I pushed…

I pushed hard.


Prisoner of My Mind

“I will fear what I damn well want to! My mind is not your slave, Lucius. You can’t control what I think or how I feel…especially about you!” I said this in words that were nothing short of a verbal lashing and it was one I was surprised to see him even flinch from. It was the barest of movements, but it was enough to tell me that what I had said meant something to him. However, whatever that was, there was only one way he reacted to it, with a demon’s threat and anger.

“I own you!” he roared, and I closed my eyes as I shook my head, but it was useless. Especially when the hand that had been against the wall by my head started to move to places, that right now, I really didn’t want it to go. This was despite the moan that escaped me the moment that brutal hand softly ran the backs of his talons down my bare arm at the same time telling me,

“I own every part of you…” his hand then rose back up my arm and started to skim across my collar bone before dipping down in between my breasts, making me suck in a

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