Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,17

was like, only instead of lasting minutes as a scene in a movie, it was…All. The. Freaking. Time!

Although, right now I had to say that being like this, in Lucius’ arms and with him holding me so tight, it felt like I had finally been rescued from this awful place. Of course, it helped that he no longer held that cruel glint in his eyes. As all I had to do now was close my eyes and pretend that I actually had my Vampire King back, which was precisely what I did.

But then as the air pushing back against my face eased, I knew my brief moment of comfort was at an end, something that was confirmed when I had no choice but to open my eyes again. And the second I did had me nearly screaming once again, as I was left looking down the height of a skyscraper. It was so high that if I had still been stood at the bottom then I would have looked like an ant!

I was about to question why he stopped, clinging onto him until my muscles ached and my fingers actually started to hurt. This was because I found nothing soft for them to grip on to, having only the hard edges of his amour to anchor myself to. I instantly started to miss the tee and jean’s version of Lucius I usually had to cling onto but then like this…well, he couldn’t have been further from those fond memories, as they were oceans apart.

“Holy shit!” I shouted when the fear got too much to ignore. This made the sadistic bastard chuckle, only when coming from his demon it sounded deeper and more like some beastly purr. I tightened my limbs around him and braved another look down only to find that the staircase had come to an end. The last fallen shard had met with a large platform and one that led to an arched open doorway. An archway that was created by two thicker shards creating an upturned V shape that crossed at the top. It was so big that you could have driven a bus through there. This was the same as the other doorways, ones that I could now see were intermittently situated down the spiral of stairs. It didn’t take a genius to assume that these archways must have led to different parts of the castle. However, the one closest to the top was only a few invisible steps away from the hovering form of Lucius and I, and being that it was the very last one, it marked the end of the staircase.

I looked up and saw that at least another hundred feet above me was where the top of the building started to narrow and taper off into the tip of the shard. Its walls were more jagged and dangerous looking, as the cluster of deadly spikes got thicker.

“I have no intention of letting you go,” Lucius informed me in response to my crying out in fear, and on hearing his words, I allowed myself the slight shudder at the double meaning I found in them. I didn’t know if he had felt it or not, as after this his wings simply forced us closer to the edge. Then when close enough he simply stepped onto it, folding his wings the moment only one full foot was applying weight. This meant that I couldn’t help but hold my breath, because despite trusting him, in my mind he was still far too close to the edge when he decided his wings were no longer needed…not even keeping them at the ready for a ‘just in case’ scenario.

“I guess I should be glad you’re not clumsy and in danger of dropping me then,” I grumbled under my breath and of course, he heard it because he replied on a rumble,

“Dropping you wouldn’t be a problem, Pet…” He paused a second before he actually dropped me, making me cry out in surprise. Thankfully, I landed on my feet and watched wide eyed as he walked passed me and at the sound of my annoyed huff, he looked slightly behind. Then after he shifted a wing to the side to be able to see me, he finished his sentence,

“…not when I still have you on a leash.” Then to emphasise these words, he let the metal spine leash unravel from his arm. This caused part of its length to clatter to the floor and echo around the gigantic,

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