Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,14

vessel most definitely looked to have Persian descent. Like the warm bronze skin that covered an abundance of muscles, and a shade darker than my sun-kissed tan. It was also the dark hair that was styled back and brushed the tops of his shoulders in its length. The almond shape to his olive green and amber eyes, that spoke of his vessel’s heritage. But then, like Lucius, his new vessel would have changed in time after his rebirth, so the way a person looked often meant nothing.

However, it was when I was studying his chosen right-hand man, that I felt a pair of crimson eyes on me. My first clue to this was when the man in question paused what he was saying and looked at me. I then felt the slight tug at my neck and was forced to move with it, which brought me closer to Lucius. Meaning that I was forced to my knees when at the same time he gave me his reason why,

“Your blood is not your own, Pet…But. It. Is. Mine.” Lucius said, emphasizing the last four words with every tug on the leash that forced me a knee step closer. This continued, forcing me forward until I found myself against his armoured leg, one that mirrored the rest of the layers of plated metal that covered his body. Thankfully, the bend of his knee was the only place that held a dangerous point, so I was spared that uncomfortable experience.

But then he snapped me out of staring at his leg as he held out his hand, obviously expecting something of me and because I wasn’t quick enough, he told me,

“I suggest you give me what I demand of you before I decide to slit a vein and quench a much deeper thirst.” I slowly looked up at him with wide eyes, at the same time swallowing hard. But I found myself wondering if he would, which was why I was almost tempted to push him. But despite being curious to see what would happen I stopped myself knowing the precarious position my open defiance would put him in. Because forcing him into action wasn’t the wisest decision just then. Hence why I did as I was told, playing the good little pet and placed my bleeding hand in his. One that was quickly lifted to his mouth and before I found my finger in there, he simply ordered,

“Continue.” This I soon realised was said for the man next to us to continue in what he was saying before my actions took Lucius’ attention away from him. Which meant that during this conversation I also found myself becoming a little snack for a Vampire King. But despite how pissed off I was, I still had to force back the moan of pleasure it created as he sucked my finger into his mouth and pulled what little blood he could from the small wound. I felt the heat invade my cheeks as I was made to sit there squirming and staring out at the crowd, trying everything now to ignore the hungry eyes of hundreds. But it was mainly the pair of angry eyes that was trying to catch my own in the crowd that I forced myself to ignore, as Trice was making it his mission to be obvious.

But then something in this must have occurred to Lucius as he suddenly let go of my finger, before licking at the wound and sealing it. Then he stood and with one swift action, he circled a length of the spiked leash around his hand before pulling it taut, so I had no choice but to regain my feet. Then he declared loudly,

“That little taste of you put me in mind for something stronger, for the blood between your legs will do nicely.” I gasped at his crass announcement at the same time he yanked hard enough that I fell into his side. Then he grasped my chin, to force my head back, making me look up at him. This ended up putting us only inches apart as he too had lowered his own head, at least enough that his greater height would allow. The two massive horns at his back, that his wings were attached to, created a looming and sinister shadow over me. I therefore held my breath, as in that brief, dark moment, I thought he was going to kiss me. Especially as his crimson eyes burned into mine, the scorching heat in

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