Extra Whip (Bold Brew #8) - L.A. Witt Page 0,62

few times that he’s into hot wax, right?”

I nodded as some incredibly sexy memories flashed through my mind. “Mmhmm. And he’s been wanting what we talked about the other night: for someone pour wax on him while someone else—me, in this case—fucks him.”

Kelly bit his lip. “That sounds seriously sexy.”

“It does.”

“But he wants more than that, right? He seemed really turned on when I mentioned the single tail.”

“Oh, he is.” I sipped my coffee. “And that’s one of those things we brought you in to do—it’s a little out of my comfort zone.”

Kelly nodded, studying me. “But you’re comfortable with me doing it?”

“That’s why we brought you into this.”

“I know, but…” He picked up his coffee. Instead of taking a sip, though, he stared into it, and he was quiet for a moment before he looked at me. “You’re really sure about me doing things to Aaron that you’re not comfortable doing yourself?”

It was a fair question, even at this juncture. Talking about it too much was better than not talking about it enough, so I set my own coffee down, sat back, and held his gaze. “Most of my sadism comes in the form of head games. Edging. Things like that. Inflicting the kind of pain Aaron needs?” I shook my head. “I can handle seeing him in that pain, but actually being the one to inflict it… I don’t know. I’ve tried, but I can’t do it.”

“But it really won’t bother you to watch me do it?” Kelly exhaled. “I know we’ve talked about this a hundred times, but now that we’re maybe doing it for real, I just… I need to be sure.”

“That’s fine.” I smiled. “Remember what we said—we’d rather have these conversations than have an issue later. And no, it won’t bother me, because I know Aaron wants it and I know you’re comfortable giving it. As long as we’ve reached a point where he can trust you to give him that kind of pain? Yeah, it’s fine. In fact, I’m looking forward to it.”


“Mmhmm. Because I know he’s been wanting this for a long time.” I grinned, sliding a hand over Kelly’s thigh and relishing the way my touch made him squirm. “Plus, I get to watch the two of you. What’s not to like?”

He sucked in a breath through his teeth and held my gaze. “I just… I mean… It sounds hot as hell to me. I’m looking forward to it. But only if you guys are too. Both of you.”

“We are.” I squeezed his leg before withdrawing my hand. “So you want to give it a try the next time we play?”

Kelly’s grin answered clearly enough even before he said, “Damn right I do.”

I couldn’t wait.

It was almost nine when Aaron came shuffling in with his laptop case on his shoulder. “Hey guys. Sorry I took so long.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said. “Work happens.”

“Ugh. It does. But it’s done. Finally.”

“Good.” I nodded toward the kitchen. “Your sandwich is in the fridge.”

“Oh my God, thank you.” He leaned down and kissed me, then went in to get his dinner. “You guys don’t mind if I eat, do you?”

“Not at all,” Kelly said.

We got up and moved to the kitchen, and we sat at the table while Aaron poured himself some iced tea. While he did that, Kelly surreptitiously gave him a quick down-up, and I couldn’t blame him—even at the end of the day when there was nothing crisp about Aaron or his clothes, he looked damn good in a suit.

“How was your overtime?” I asked.

Aaron gave one of those long, tired groans that I had long ago learned to parse.

I chuckled. “The client or the cops?”


Kelly shot me a puzzled look.

Suppressing my amusement as much as I could, I gestured at Aaron and said, “That, my friend, is the sound of a man who’s spent his evening witnessing the deepest, most jaw-dropping depths of stupidity that our species has to offer.”

Kelly’s eyes widened and flicked toward Aaron. “Seriously?”

“Occupational hazard,” Aaron grumbled over his shoulder. “In this case, a couple of cops who seem to think that Herring v. United States means they can search someone who has a similar name to someone else with an outstanding warrant.”

“Outstanding—” Kelly cocked his head. “Herring? What?”

Aaron closed the fridge door with his hip, and as he unwrapped his sandwich and arranged it on a plate, he said, “It was a case where police searched a car because the guy had an outstanding warrant, but

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