Extra Whip (Bold Brew #8) - L.A. Witt Page 0,115

like something I should answer off the cuff. And because I was pretty sure it would have bothered me in any other time or place with any other guy. But everything he told me about him and Kelly—hell, it made sense. Especially the part where he’d realized it didn’t sit well with Kelly to basically be kicked out after were done playing with him. Plus, the three of us were pretty close and intimate. It wasn’t like Will was declaring that Kelly was his or our boyfriend. He was his submissive. Of course he was. Why wouldn’t he be?

So I shook my head. “No, it doesn’t bother me. He’s obviously in good hands.” I gazed down at him. “Does it bother you?”

“No. As long as you’re okay with it, then it doesn’t.” He exhaled. “It’s a lot of pressure, though.”

“Hmm, yeah. I can see that.” And I could feel it—his shoulders tensed up in my hands. “Maybe we shouldn’t play tonight. If your head’s not in the game, I can’t ask you to play Dom. Especially not to two of us.”

He winced.

“It’s not a failure on your part.” I kept working at the stiff muscles despite the ache in my hands and wrists. “We both know it’s better to err on the side of caution.”

“Oh, I know. I just hate that we have to. We’ve been moving at a snail’s pace as it is, but…” He paused, and in a resigned voice, he asked, “You want to let Kelly know, or should I?”

I thought about it. “Any reason we can’t still have him over?”

Will looked up at me.

I shrugged. “It isn’t like it’s the first time we’ve all just hung out.”

“True.” His forehead creased and his jaw worked. I’d known him way too long not to hear the gears turning—he hated feeling like he couldn’t play the Dom role. Even if he had the flu or something, it pissed him off when he couldn’t live up to his own expectations.

I turned his chair around and rested my hands on the armrests. “You’re having an off day, but you have two submissives.” I leaned in for a soft kiss. “Let us take care of you tonight.”

He held my gaze, and I thought he might protest, but he sighed and nodded. With a faint smile, he said, “You’re the best.”

I smiled back and kissed him again. “Home-cooked or takeout?”

“Surprise me.”

“All right. And I’ll give Kelly a call.” Nodding toward his screens, I asked, “You going to keep working, or…?”

He glared at the screens, then shook his head and turned toward me again. “I haven’t gotten a thing done all day. I don’t see that changing.” He touched my face, lifted his chin, and kissed me. “Go call Kelly. I’ll shut everything down and come downstairs.”

“Got it." I left him to it, and as soon as I was in the kitchen, I called Kelly.

“Hey,” he said. “What’s up?”

“Hey, so, slight change of plans…”

It was admittedly disappointing to take kink off the table after I’d been looking forward to it all day, but I would never complain. As much as I wanted, another night of pain and submission, no way in hell would I ask for it when Will was in this state of mind. He’d be able to focus, and he’d be able to give me what I needed, but it would be extra taxing on him when he was already having a day like this.

So tonight, Kelly and I would take care of him. I didn’t mind at all. Maybe it wasn’t pain, sex, or bondage, but I liked this kind of submission too. The quieter, gentler version where I was at my Dom’s beck and call for anything he needed or wanted.

When Kelly arrived, he went in to say hello to Will, then joined me again in the kitchen. Glancing over his shoulder, he said, “So, he’s okay, right?”

“Oh yeah. He’s fine. But when his ADHD gets going, he can just get really scattered, which makes it hard as hell to get anything done. Then he gets frustrated, and—I mean, he says it’s like analysis paralysis. Where he’s hyper-focusing and overthinking, but he can’t actually do anything, and then everything kills his concentration. He gets overstimulated, and…” I shook my head. “It’s just not a good time to ask him to be a Dom because his brain is already overtaxed, he’s already overstimulated, and he won’t enjoy it at all.”

Kelly held my gaze, worry creasing his brow. “Is this… Is last

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