Exposure - Kelly Moran Page 0,56

and she needed to get home to prepare. She shuddered. Black tie affairs were not her thing. Too many people, too many eyes. But Noah had asked her to attend as his date, and she found she could deny him very little.

She looked at Max, hovering just outside her door. "We need to stop by my apartment on the way home. Is that all right?"

Rising, she grabbed her coat, but Max was at her side and took it from her, holding it while she shrugged into the sleeves. His manners were so traditional she wondered why he was single. He was a good-looking man, too.

"We can go wherever you like, Miss Crowne, so long as I have you back in time for the fundraiser."

He pulled out his cell and thumbed a text, probably notifying the team that they were leaving and changing routes. Ever since the night they were followed, Noah had been freakish about security. Now she understood the serious reasoning behind it, and was grateful to have Max around.

On the way to her apartment, Raven glanced at Max in the front seat, studiously checking the mirrors. His brown hair was cut short, curled slightly at the ends. He had a wide jaw, which was always clean-shaven, and kind, observant eyes. Easily six feet tall, he could take up space in a room just by his size, yet he went unnoticed, more gentle in nature than commanding. The strong silent type.

"Why are you still single, Maxie." She grinned at Aubrey's nickname and the blush that rose up his neck.

He cleared his throat. "I prefer Max, Miss Crowne. Or Mr. Gerard. I only let Miss Aubrey call me??axie."

"Nice dodge of the question. Bravo. I'll let you slide." She crossed her arms and leaned back. "You're very good with Aubrey. What's the deal with the pennies?" She'd wondered about it at the time, when he'd given one to Aubrey, but with everything else, it had escaped her mind since.

"She was studying the Depression and currency with her tutor last year." He shrugged. "I thought it would be neat for her to collect a penny from every year in circulation. She has a book in her room."

Aw. "I like you, Max. A lot."

He chuckled. "Mutual, Miss Crowne." Swallowing, his face fell stoic again. "I'm glad he told you about his past."

Pressing her fingers to her lips, she stared out the window. "Me, too." The details of Noah's story passed through her head. "If Rizzoli is in prison, why the need for such high security?"

Max checked the mirrors. "A contract has been taken out on Mr. Caldwell's life." More mirror glances. "Andre Rizzoli's assets have been seized, but somehow he got the funds to order the hit."

It was the most she ever got out of Max, and it hurt to hear as much as it scared the ever-living shit out of her. She shook her head, angry and sick this happened to him. "Why Noah, though? He had nothing to do with any of this." Neither did poor Aubrey.

"The FBI only had enough to bring Rizzoli to trial because of the evidence Mr. Caldwell's investigator dug up. Rizzoli found out." His grip tightened on the wheel, the first sign of aggression she'd seen out of him. "It's revenge."

Her pulse beat thready. "Is he going to get off?"

"Not this time. He got careless. Made too many mistakes. He also has no clout to tamper with witnesses or buy off a judge." He glanced at her in the mirror. "Once we find this goon he hired, you'll be much safer. No one will hurt you."

She nodded as they pulled up to her building, not entirely sure she believed him. If someone really wanted to hurt her or Noah, a few men standing guard wouldn't stop them for long.

They walked down the hall to her apartment and found two men standing outside. One of them, who looked about thirty and dressed in a similar black suit as Max's, held up a hand. "We swept the apartment first and found a problem. We're waiting on the cops."

She shook in her heels and crossed her arms over her chest. "What kind of problem?"

His jaw hardened when he looked at her, his eyes filled with regret. "Someone tossed the place."

"What?" She tried to shove him aside, but he wouldn't budge. "Move, now."

"Let her through," Max said, sidling up behind her. "Don't touch anything, Miss Crowne."

The security member turned the knob and stepped aside, allowing her past. She got three

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