Expecting it All (Punishment Pit #7) - Livia Grant Page 0,37

help convincing him I’m the best person for the job.”

Lukus had warned him. They’d been dodging her questions, knowing that having Lukus’s twenty-two-year-old sister hanging around the Punishment Pit was a terrible idea. But, it seemed like Zoie wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Luckily, he was saved from chatting by stepping out onto the long white carpet leading to the altar.

This is going to be a long night.


“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride,” the minister announced as whoops and hollers from the crowd of family and friends started. Rachel grabbed her last tissue from her tiny purse, dabbing at her happy tears as she watched Master Lukus pull his new bride into his arms for an R-rated kiss that went on much longer than propriety called for.

Rachel’s heart swelled with happiness watching Lukus and Tiffany turn and grin at their family and friends, holding hands as they walked down the steps of the makeshift altar to head down the long aisle. She was on the end chair and reached out to pat Master Lukus’s arm as they went by, headed to the ballroom next door where the reception line would form and where all of the guests would head next for the party portion of the evening.

She’d just finished depositing her used tissues in her purse when her husband approached with Zoie Mitchell on his arm. The mischievous grin on her Daddy’s face told her exactly what he was thinking about as he pulled Zoie to a quick stop, just long enough to kiss Rachel and whisper, “I love you baby girl.”

“I love you more, Daddy. Now get going before you hold up the whole line.”

After the wedding party had exited, the crowd all started to chatter, anxious to move to the next room. They not-so-patiently waited for their turn to leave as the ushers, Tiffany’s brothers, let one row go at a time.

Behind her, Mary leaned in to whisper, “I’m ready for some food and dancing. It’s been weeks since James and I have had a night out without the kids.”

In a split second, sheer panic struck Rachel. She’d been so caught up in the wedding, she’d completely forgot about Michael. What kind of mother does that?

Mary must have seen the change on Rachel’s face because she was quick to reassure her. “Relax. I’m sure Michael is getting spoiled rotten at your in-law’s house.”

“But… what if he needs me?”

“Then they’ll call. You have your cell phone, right?”

Rachel rushed to open her tiny purse, taking out the largest object inside, her cell phone. Phew, no messages. Still, she turned the ringer back on now that the ceremony was over. She wouldn’t want to miss a call.

Feeling a bit foolish for worrying about her baby when her brain knew he was in loving hands, Rachel asked her friend. “Does it ever get easier leaving them? Like, I don’t know how women who have to go back to work after a few weeks can do it?”

“I know what you mean. I’m so lucky that I was able to stay home with the twins until they started pre-school. And… to answer your question… yes, it will get easier. Just wait until he starts to talk back and do the exact opposite of what you tell him to do. Those are the days you’ll be thrilled to be able to drop him off at your parents for a few hours.”

Rachel didn’t think that would ever be true, but then thinking about how much fun her and her Daddy already had today when Michael wasn’t around, she had to admit her marriage would benefit from Michael enjoying a few sleepovers at his grandparent’s every now and then.

By the time Rachel and Mary made it through the receiving line, the party was in full swing. The DJ had romantic songs playing softly in the background as waiters and waitresses mingled with trays of champagne and hors d’oeuvres.

Rachel and Mary found their assigned table, just a few feet away from the head table. She wasn’t surprised to find Grey and Violet Greystone already seated next to Mistress Martha, who welcomed them with her typical flare.

“Welcome to the naughty table! Once again, they’ve put all us sexual deviants at the same table, as if we might not be able to make normal dinner conversation with the vanillas.”

“Knock it off, Martha,” Grey, the only Dom at the table interjected. “You know damn well they put us together because we’re friends.”


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