Execution (Off Balance #2) - Lucia Franco Page 0,90

Kova growled. "I had a shitty night, Kat. I decided it was best I finish early and came in here to do paperwork, but I fell asleep."

Katja transitioned to her native tongue. Words like velvet fell from her lips that I assumed were terms of endearment.

"Whose car is outside?"

Fuck! I'd completely forgotten my SUV was parked out front. I really hoped this conversation would end soon so I could get out from under here and go home. The problem was, I was afraid to leave the building knowing Katja could be nearby, but I also didn’t want to leave alone in the middle of the night either. In fact, I didn't even know what time it was.

"What?" he questioned.

"A car is outside. Is there someone else here with you?"

"At this hour? No, I did not know there was a car there. What does it look like?" he asked, playing dumb. Katja described it, and Kova said, "Ah, that is Adrianna's. She had a late practice, then went home with one of the other girls."

"You worked her too hard," Katja said sympathetically. I almost laughed. Damn right he fucking did.

"Then I did my job." Kova said each word with gratification, and I smiled.

"Have you ever considered that maybe she is not as talented as you think?" Katja hesitated. "Just because she wants to go to the Olympics does not mean she is qualified to. She seems… I do not know the right word…mediocre."

My heart ached at her question. A thousand different kinds of insecurities slammed into me at once and I questioned whether I was good enough. I wanted to leave. I felt like an intruder listening in on their conversation and I didn't want to hear any more.

"I would never put my time and effort into someone who was mediocre. I know God given talent when I see it, and Adrianna has it." Kova turned defensive. "She is brilliant, artistic, and imaginative. There is nothing even remotely mediocre about her. Mark my words, she is a rare pearl that is about to shine in the gymnastics world."

I was flabbergasted he spoke about me in such a way to his girlfriend.

"But how much more extra time is she going to steal from me with you? How much more time are you going to devote to this gym over me?" Katja whined. She'd never understand what gymnastics meant to people like me and Kova. "I should be your number one priority, but as always, I am last on the totem pole."

"A lot more actually," Kova bit back. "A bunch of the teammates have extra sessions coming up, it is competition season, as you know. I have told you this a hundred times."

"It is late. I did not mean to upset you." Katja’s voice gentled. "How about we go home now?"

Yes! Go home. What a grand idea.

"I will go home when I am ready."

I scoffed at his stubbornness.

"What was that?"

Oh God. I bit down on my knuckles.

"What was what?" Kova acted clueless.

"I just heard a noise…" Katja’s words lingered in the air.

"Oh that? It was me. I, ah, was adjusting myself and kicked my phone by accident."

"You are aroused." Her voice took on a seductive tone that made my stomach curl with nausea.

"You know it is hard when I wake."

"Let me take care of that for you."

I closed my eyes and prayed for them to leave already.

"Not necessary. Let us go home now."

"No, I insist," she said. My heartbeat thundered in my ears; no way would Kova allow anything sexual to happen, not with me in the room, or with my remnants on him.

"Katja," he growled.

"Konstantin. Baby, you know all you have to do is call me and I would run over."

"Katja," he warned over a rustling sound. "Now is not the time."

"Since when?" she teased.

"I am serious," he barked. "Go home and I will meet you there. I just need to lock up; I will be right behind you."

She was quiet for a moment. "What is going on with you?" This was the first time I truly ever heard Katja angry. "You have not let me touch you in weeks like this. Do you not want me anymore?"

I perked up. Kova remained abstinent for weeks? Why?

"It has nothing to do with you. I have been under an enormous amount of stress. I am really feeling the pressure right now. That is all."

Each word was clipped and short. If he was telling the truth, I wished he'd open to me the way he

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