Execution (Off Balance #2) - Lucia Franco Page 0,9

grip crinkled the box, and I sent up a silent prayer in hopes he wouldn't crush the pill. His other hand was a tight fist at his side, the veins in his arm twirling down his forearm. He was so mad, so pissed off I thought he was going to punch my wall, but his next move blindsided me.

Hayden strode up to me, and before I could blink, he tugged me into a hug. He aligned his body with mine and placed his big muscled arms around my shoulders, caging me to him. His entire body trembled with rage. I dropped my fight against him to accept what happened and wound my arms around his lower back. Somehow, I think he needed this more than I did.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," he said with his lips to the top of my head. "He should've never allowed himself to be in a situation where he would be tempted."

"It wasn't all him, you know. I'm to blame too."

Hayden ran a hand down my hair and kissed the top of my head. He nestled me closer to him and gave me a comforting embrace. The vodka was pulsing through my veins and I relaxed into him with a warm sigh. Despite confessing parts of my torrid affair to him, it was a relief to talk about it.

"Do not have sex with him again. Please," he begged, his voice cracking along with my heart. Hayden was my closest friend here. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him, and while he demanded the whole truth, the truth affected him.

"If you want it…if you want sex, use me. We don't have to be in a relationship, and we don't have to tell anyone."

"He thinks we're in a relationship," I said, staring at his honey-colored arms.

Hayden pulled back and looked down at me. One of his hands rested on the small of my back, the other at the base of my neck. His gentle fingers massaged my nape and my body flushed from his touch. I looked up at him and realized the vodka was hitting me faster than I thought…as well as him. We both had the same glossy-eyed look.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it was one of the reasons why he pulled me, but also really because he wants me to hate him to the point where I won't let him come near me since he can't seem to stay away from me, if you catch my drift…"

His lip curled up. "Unreal. He's a real piece of work. So, he took you out of the meet because he thinks you two are in a relationship, all the while he’s screwing his girlfriend at home on a regular basis, and because he can't control himself? Can we say double standard?"

"He said he wants me to hate him."

"And do you?"

I thought about his question before I responded. "Yes and no. It's complicated."

Hayden released his hold and stepped back, staring at the wall behind me. I’d blindsided him with my bible-sized list of confessions.

He ran a hand through his hair again and said, "Let's get another drink, and then maybe that will be it for the night. We don't want to wake up with a wicked hangover."

Before I could respond, there was an insistent tap at my door. My heart dropped. Blood drained from my face and Hayden observed me with a confused look.

I knew who it was. It could only be one person.


The rap on the door sounded again, followed by Kova’s muffled voice.

"Adrianna, open the door."

"Oh hell fucking no," Hayden bit out, and casually tossed the small box of morning after pills onto the coffee table.

He stomped toward the door, and by some miracle, I got there before him and stood in front of him.

"Hayden, please, stand back," I begged, my hands flat to his chest trying to push him away. His pecs flexed against my palms, but he didn't budge. "Don't say a word to him. He obviously already knows that you know and I'm sure he's worried."

"Why are you sticking up for him?"

"I'm not." Maybe I was just a little. "Just let me talk to him and see what he wants."

He cracked his neck to the side and gritted out, "Fine."

"Thank you."

Hayden took a small, small step back. Taking a deep breath and praying for the best, I unbolted the door with trembling fingers and pulled it open.

My lungs burned at the sight of Kova. I hated him. I hated the

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