Execution (Off Balance #2) - Lucia Franco Page 0,51

me, the back of Kova's finger was deliberately slow. His knuckle hit just the right spot as he explored the lace that made me feel incredibly sexy. I leaned into him with an audible sigh while he slid over my wetness, then back up to press against the top of my clit. My knees trembled.

He slid higher, eyes still on me, and pushed aside my thong. I dragged the pad of my thumb across his bottom lip as two of his fingers slipped inside and gently rubbed my freshly shaven skin.

"Ahhh," Kova moaned huskily, his head tilting back. "I like this," he said, looking back down at me.

His fingers stayed on my little patch of bare skin, rubbing back and forth over my flesh, and building a craving between my legs. He didn't go further, even though I wanted him to. There was a pounding in my ears that increased with each stroke of his finger. My hips pushed forward, tilting up. Our gazes didn't waver, and I was falling into an abyss I never wanted to crawl out of. He had a powerful hold on me. I begged in silence for him to give me what I wanted. He knew I wouldn't utter the words.

Snarling, Kova bit down on my bottom lip and tugged it into his mouth like the savage that he was. He kissed me roughly, then pulled back, taking my lip with him before he let go with a pop. "This right here is lethal." His fingers became aggressive as he rubbed harder, pinching the skin together until I'd almost reached that pinnacle high. His fingers slid over my throbbing clit, just enough to tease me, then he was gone. I moaned, and he stifled the sound with his mouth again.

We could be so good together, and so bad.

"Kova," I whispered against his lips. I tugged the back of his head.

"I want to get on my knees and devour you right now like this." He kissed the fuck out of my mouth like I imagined he wanted to do between my thighs.

"Please…" My head hazy, body filling with pure bliss from the stroke of his expert fingers. My hips undulated while my tongue licked across his lips and the roof of his mouth.

"Fuck," Kova growled, breaking the kiss abruptly. He pushed me away and stepped back. I panted, catching myself against the wall. I looked between his hips and caught sight of the raging erection he sported. I grinned. The depraved part of me loving that I could undo him like that. Adjusting my dress, I pulled the hem down and squeezed my thighs together to quell the ache he caused.

I looked around, momentarily forgetting where I was. "Just go," rolled off my lips nervously. "I'll follow in a few minutes. That way it doesn't look like we were together."

Always. It would always be like this with Kova.

We both stepped inside my room. Kova walked toward the door and I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. When I came out only a few minutes later, he was standing by my dresser. I stalked over to him.

"What are you doing?" My eyes were huge. "You need to—"

He cut me off by swiftly maneuvering himself behind me with his hand over my mouth and his other hand on my stomach securing me to him. My heart flew into my throat. I instantly reached to pull his hand away, but he gave me a little shake and jerked his head in the direction of my bedroom door.

"Listen," he breathed into my ear. His chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. I nodded. He slipped his hand from my mouth and ducked his head into my neck.

Male voices carried in the hallway that I immediately identified as Michael and Conner, followed by Xavier. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, but I picked up some words. Pussy. Gator. Blue and black. I didn't know what any of it meant and I didn't care to. I swear those guys had their own language. All I cared about was the fact that we could've been caught.

When the voices drifted further down the hall, my head relaxed against Kova’s chest and I exhaled a sigh of relief. His hand on my stomach loosened.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

Kova stepped out from behind me, his hand trailing along my lower back to rest on my hip. He faced me. Without saying a word, he leaned down and pressed a light

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