Execution (Off Balance #2) - Lucia Franco Page 0,22

hadn't answered her cell phone.

I continued past her house and flipped on my blinker and turned left, pulling into the long winding driveway of my home. The lush lawn, a manicured vibrant green, with two inclined palm trees lined the sides of the purposely weathered front door. I smiled as I parked my Escalade and glanced around, appreciating my home.

Walking toward the side door I'd used since childhood, I caught a glimpse of a BMW. It wasn't abnormal to see this kind of luxury car in my parents' driveway, but what caused me to stop were the jet black twenty-two inch rims that looked awfully familiar.

I strained my neck to see if there were necklaces hanging from the rearview mirror. The windows were pitch black, I couldn't see in unless I peered through the windshield. If there were—

There were, which left me even more stumped. Orange and blue beaded necklaces hung from the rearview mirror, the colors of the college she dreamed of attending.

I wracked my brain trying to figure out why Avery was here when she refused all my calls in the first place. She couldn't have known I was coming home.

The scent of the black currant and vanilla fusion candles Mom was obsessed with crashed into me as I pulled open the door. My eyes popped from the aromatherapy that promised relaxation. Designed in mind to soothe, all it did was give me an instant headache. I'd forgotten how strong this aroma was. This time she'd gone a little overboard.

"Dad? Mom? I'm home!"

Noise from every corner of the house caught my attention, but it was the familiar click-clacking of Louboutin heels that turned my head in the other direction.

Mom walked under the arched foyer looking as radiant as ever. She had her face painted on and not a hair out of place. Dressed to impress. Our eyes met, and the corner of my lips hesitated to pull up.

"Ana!" she exclaimed with her arms open. With Mom wearing heels, it put her just under six feet, so she had to bend down to hug me. Despite the many differences between us—and not just in looks, but also our views on life—she was still my mom and I loved seeing her.

"It's so good to see you, honey!" Her Chanel perfume engulfed me and I wrinkled my nose, too many smells going on. She placed her hands on my upper arms and my stomach tightened. I prepared myself for what would come next, yet I couldn't stop the hammering of my heart.

Mom's shrewd eyes moved down the length of my body. I held my breath. "Aside from your arms and shoulders starting to resemble your brother’s, you look absolutely amazing. So skinny!" A backhanded compliment. I'd take it. "But those clothes…" She clicked her tongue in disapproval. "Oh, Adrianna. You know how much I hate that style, but you look like you're positively glowing."

I bounced on the balls of my feet. "Thanks, Mom. I missed you."

Her sparkling blue eyes softened. "I missed you too. It's so good to have you home."

"Is that my daughter I hear?"

I turned around at the sound of Dad’s baritone voice rebounding down the foyer. He strolled toward us at a leisurely rate. A crystal tumbler filled with an amber color liquid clutched in one hand, and a delighted smile across his seasoned face.


Dad placed his glass down on the counter and Mom hissed behind me. The table was Purple Heart and considered one of the most expensive woods in the world. Found in the tropical rainforests of South Africa, when cut, it swiftly went from dark brown to a deep, rich purple. It was my mom's favorite piece of furniture in the house and she made sure to keep it in the welcoming room for all to see. She adorned it with a monstrous vase of pure white exotic flowers.


I met my dad halfway and threw my arms around his shoulders, jumping into his hug. He lifted me up and my knees bent behind me. He squeezed me tight and I feigned lack of air.

"Dad… Dad." I tapped his shoulder. "I can't breathe."

"You can breathe just fine, don't exaggerate. Let me hug my only daughter another minute or so."

I smiled into his neck, but he really was starting to suffocate me.

Placing me back on my feet, he beamed down at me. "I wasn't expecting you home so soon. Last I spoke to Konstantin, I figured another few days before you came back."

I bit the inside of

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