Execution (Off Balance #2) - Lucia Franco Page 0,198

I have no idea."

"Well, I figured since they recently—"

"Girls! Line up on the floor!" Madeline yelled, cutting off Reagan.

Saved by the coach.

I smiled at Reagan.

We began with light tumbling passes crossed with dances skills before we started practicing our routines over and over. The week before a meet was always so hectic but exciting. At least it was for me. Lots of work and stress. Lots of energy draining workouts. Some would say it's too much training, but it was necessary.

Ten vaults including timers.

Ten beam routines.

Two full floor routines.

Five bar routines.

This was my life for the next three days and most of it fueled by adrenaline, muscle memory, and a dream. A dream that could be ripped from me if I made one mistake and hurt myself.

I performed a round-off back handspring layout when something caught my eye.

Rebounding off the floor, I glanced toward the lobby and caught sight of Kova's back just in time as he strode inside marching toward the back, presumably to his office.

I smiled inwardly. I hoped he'd read what I wrote before coming out here. Then maybe we could talk when he did another blading on my Achilles later tonight when no one was around. I also needed to ask if he had picked up Plan B for me. I really didn't want to take it, but after last night, I couldn't chance it. I made a mental note to ask my doctor for birth control when I spoke to him later. My cramping had been terrible lately, my cycles were off, and my last period was much thicker than usual, so I could always use that excuse to get on birth control.

Ten minutes later, Kova walked into the gym. Anticipation curled my belly at the sight of him. I shot a quick glance at him. He looked at me then quickly averted his gaze to the floor.

Kova pointed to one of the corners. "Get in line. You know what the week ahead looks like, ladies. I expect nothing less than perfection from you all. Winners train. I do not want to hear any complaints this week. Let us get started."

Walking briskly to the opposite corner, he dragged over a landing mat and stood a little in front of it. Clapping his hands, he signaled for us to start. Holly went first. She started running toward him, Kova bent his knees and eyed her steps, then stepped closer to her running form, gauging when she would take flight and flip. He stepped in to spot her and raised his arms in the air to help her twist. His shirt rose, showing a hint of his toned stomach as he grabbed her waist with his forearm then guided her to stop with his other arm once she executed a double twist.

He gave her instructions and nodded, then waved for Reagan. He repeated his stance and eyed her as she took off running. As she went to perform a double back tuck, he popped her lower back up with his hand on the first rotation to give her a little more height, then raised his arms in the air to spot her landing, moving with her as she rotated.

Then, he nodded for me and it was strictly coach mode. Taking off, I performed a full-in, a double twisting double back tuck with the first twist performed on the first back tuck. His arms came up, helping me spin my twist a little faster, popping my lower back for more height and then putting his hand behind my back to stop the power.

"Good," was all he said when I landed. I looked at him, but he was already looking for Holly, waving at her to go.

I frowned. Good? That was all? He'd given my teammates suggestions and all I got was good? I didn't want to hear I did good, I mean, of course I did, but I wanted to hear where I needed improvement more. There was always room for improvement and I knew Kova lived by that.

I paid attention to Holly and Reagan. Kova gave them both detailed suggestions.

When it was my turn again, I looked into his eyes, but he wasn't looking at me, he was watching my feet to prepare to spot me.

I performed another full-in. I had so much momentum that I rebounded and kicked back with one leg. My heart dropped and Kova placed a hand on my stomach to stop me, then quickly removed it like touching me burned his skin.


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