Execution (Off Balance #2) - Lucia Franco Page 0,167

everywhere but my face.

"Apparently so. You must've had so much vodka that you forgot about our conversation."

"Get to vault," he said stiffly. "Do not keep Madeline waiting."

I nodded. Leaning in, I said under my breath, "By the way, I still have your dick pic saved to my phone. I look at it every night." His eyes widened and I grinned, then sprinted my way toward Madeline, grateful I didn't have to do the two-mile morning run.

Thankfully the bug that had crawled up Kova's ass this morning at the mention of Hayden's name was long gone. For a man so sure of himself and his work, he couldn't seem to handle another man's name on my lips. That seemed to be a turning point for him.

After a long and demanding ten-hour practice with a small lunch break in between, I was ready for the day to be over. Covered in chalk and damp with sweat, my palms were red and tender as I picked at the dead skin while I waited on Kova and Dr. Hart in the therapy room. Luckily my rips weren't bad at all, but any time I had dried skin that had rolled up, I couldn't not pick at it. In truth, I liked picking it.

Gymnast problems.

A deep, raspy voice twisted with a heavy Russian accent echoed down the hall. My heart sped up the closer their voices grew, and moments later, both Kova and his friend strode into the room.

They were polar opposites and yet I didn't know who to look at first. Both were devastatingly handsome. Both were off limits. Both were capable of bringing me pain.

Okay. I was a little nervous and my thoughts were everywhere other than where they should be. I made no sense. I had a feeling this massage was going to hurt more than be relaxing, even though I knew the outcome would be worth it… I hoped.

"Worried?" Dr. Hart asked.

I sat up straight and looked him directly in the eye. "What would I be worried about?"

His eyes quickly drifted down to my mouth, then back up. "You're gnawing on your bottom lip."

I stopped immediately and he smirked. He was as astute as Kova.

Both guys walked over and stood in front of me and I held my breath. I was anxious for some reason.

"Even though you only have an injury on one leg, we're going to massage both today so Kova can mimic my technique. That way you can tell me who is pressing harder and so forth. Sound good?" Before I could respond, he said, "Good. Now turn over on your stomach and leave your feet to hang off."

I didn't say a word, just got on my stomach and then tugged at my leotard so my butt was covered as much as possible. I wanted this to be over as quick as possible.

"Ah excuse me." I looked over my shoulder at Kova’s friend. His eyes were darting around the room and he was rubbing his hands together. "I just realized I left my bag in my truck. I'll be right back."

As soon as he left the room, Kova didn't waste a second and walked over to me, intent thick in his gait. I pushed up on my elbows and clasped my hands together.

Lowering his voice to barely above a whisper, he bent at the hips and said, "I see the way you look at him. He is married, Adrianna."

Adrianna. My first reaction was to flinch, but I held firm and remained emotionless. "And you have a longtime girlfriend but that never stops you."

He blinked.

"Who said I was going to do anything?" I never intended to, that was the last thing I needed, but I couldn’t deny how attractive the man was.

"I am not kidding. Do not get any ideas."

This time I was unable to control myself and I gawked. Openly gawked at my moronic coach.

"You can't be serious."


A slow, an extremely slow, smile spread across my face, like the cat that ate the canary. I lowered my eyes and tipped my head forward so I had to gaze through my long lashes. As much as Kova got under my skin for things that were so trivial it made me want to punch trees, I loved sparring with him. I loved garnering a reaction when he was fired up and couldn't do anything more.

"I'm beginning to wonder if I only have a thing for older, very attached men." I purposely stared at his kissable lips so he knew I was

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