Execution (Off Balance #2) - Lucia Franco Page 0,165

phone, that's for sure."

I laughed. "I'm serious, Hayden."

He slowly chewed his food and looked straight ahead. I stared at the way his jaw shifted back and forth, contracting and loosening, as he thought about my question.

"Given the nature of the situation, I probably would have told you regardless, because even though you insist there's nothing going on, there's always something going on."

I stared at him, my jaw dropping and all.

"When it comes to Kova, I don't trust you." He angled the tip of his fork toward me as he continued to stare straight ahead. "Well, I don't trust him, really, but I don't trust you either. It's like you guys thrive on the excitement of getting caught or something, I don’t know. The whole thing is just weird, but either way, I would've told you."

I threw my fork down. "Thank you!"

"Calm down," he laughed. "Yes, she should have told you, but there's also no reason to flip the way you did. Maybe you were hangry."


"Hungry and angry."

"I'm seeing her in two weeks."

"Who? Avery?"

"Yes. And I bet we don't speak until then. She's been so difficult to get ahold of as it is. I just hope when we do see each other that it's not awkward."

"I doubt it will be."

I nodded my head and polished off the rest of my dish over a light conversation with Hayden until he delved into the injection topic again.

"I'm trying out different injection sites. Okay?"

"What do you mean," he asked, helping me clean up. I had one plate of food. Hayden had three. Lucky bastard.

"I tried my hip, but I either did it in the wrong place or I stabbed myself too hard, because I'm fairly positive I hit my hip bone and now I have a massive bruise. I haven't done it as much because it hurts, which is why I've been so tired. My levels are low."

"So did you plan on just never taking it again because of me and Kova?"

"No. I mean, I would've eventually, but the bruise on my leg was pretty bad, so…"

"Show me."

I lifted my shirt and pushed down my shorts just enough to show Hayden the ugly bruise on my left side. The needle was small, but it left behind hideous shades of deep blues and brownish-yellows.

He bent down so he was level with my waist, his fingers gently stroked my skin. "Damn, that looks pretty painful."

"Yeah, especially when you slam your hips on bars on top of it."

He glanced up. "I imagine so." His words were full of sympathy. He continued to run his finger over the little lump that had formed under my skin. "I don't think the needle is supposed to go there…that could be the reason for the bruise. Want me to call my mom and ask her, and then I can do it for you?"

My brows furrowed. "How would she know?"

"She's a nurse, remember?" Then he held up his palms, both callused and over dry and peeling, and I noticed the rips.

My face lit up. "I totally forgot about the nipple cream!"

His face dropped, all expression voided. He tilted his head toward me and pointed his finger, his steel blue eyes narrowed. "Hey, don't knock the nipple cream. That shit is magical."

Laughing, I barely got out my next set of words. "Okay. Give your miracle worker a call and see what she has to say."

Ten minutes later, Hayden was poised with a needle and the area of injection rubbed down with alcohol.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked Hayden. When he didn't reply, I glanced over my shoulder and took in his gawking eyes. "What's wrong with you?" When he didn't reply, I said, "You've never injected anyone, have you," I stated more than asked. He shook his head.

"Of course not. When would I have? I don't want to hurt you."

"The first time I had to do it on my own, I was petrified. It took me over an hour to do it and a pep talk from my dad. Your mom's a nurse and gave you a step-by-step, something I didn't have. I have complete faith in you. I know you'll do it right and you won't hurt me." His eyes scanned the small area of skin. He aimed closer. "The first time is always the worst, so stick it in and let's go."

Hayden's flirtatious eyes snapped to mine, and I covered my mouth in realization of what I had said. I laughed behind my hand.

"I've been trying to stick it in,"

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