Every Vow You Break - Peter Swanson Page 0,38

believe that, do you? There are no random accidents.”

“I actually believe that everything is a random accident. I’m sorry. I really do.” He started to interrupt her, but she kept going. “Look, will you do me a favor and hear me out? Let me talk for a while, uninterrupted.”


“What happened between us in California was a huge mistake. I drank far too much, and it should never have happened. That doesn’t mean that I don’t find you attractive, and that, if I was available, I wouldn’t be interested in pursuing things with you. But I’m not available. I am in love with my husband, and protecting what we have together is the most important thing in my life right now. I am asking you … no, I am begging you, Scottie, to please just drop this. We had a nice night, and that’s all there is to it. We are never going to be together. Not under any circumstances, and definitely not if you do anything to jeopardize my marriage. Is that clear?”

He had begun gently shaking his head about halfway through her speech and he was still doing it.

“It’s clear, but I don’t believe you,” he finally said.

“What part don’t you believe?”

“I don’t believe you’re in love with your husband. If you really were, then you’d never have slept with me three weeks before your wedding.”

“Like I said, I made a mistake, and I have to live with that mistake. It’s very possible that I had some reservations three weeks ago, but after we were together those reservations went away. I’m sorry if it hurts to hear that, but it’s the truth. I’m not a perfect person. I fucked up, and if Bruce finds out about it, if you think you need to tell him about it, I will fight to the end of my life to win his trust back.” She saw what looked like self-doubt sneak into Scottie’s eyes, and she kept going. “We’re just strangers, you and I,” she said. “I’m sorry if you thought otherwise.”

“Do you remember when we were in my room at the vineyard?” he said.

Abigail didn’t immediately say anything, thinking he was going to continue, but he didn’t. “I do,” she finally said, “but I was drunk, Scottie. I really was. That whole night is a blur to me.”

“The whole night?” He smiled expectantly.

“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Abigail said.

“It was good sex. It was the best sex.”

“Like I said, it—”

“And there was that one moment—I know you remember it—when we were making love, and our hands intertwined, and just for a moment I felt it pass between the two of us. My soul went into yours, and your soul went into mine. I know that you felt it, too.”

Abigail shook her head. “I didn’t. I’m sorry, but I didn’t.”

“Maybe you just don’t remember it, but it happened, I promise you.” He’d leaned in, and Abigail could see tiny beads of perspiration along his hairline, even though it wasn’t warm out.

“Even if we had this moment, this intense experience, it doesn’t change anything, you realize that,” she said.

“It does. It changes everything.”

Abigail’s hair was still damp from her shower and she was beginning to get cold. She shivered a little, then said, “It doesn’t. I’ve said all I have to say. This is over, Scottie.”

“There’s only one way I’ll consider this over,” he said, and shifted a little closer to her along the bench. “You need to prove it to me. I know that we had that moment, and I do believe you that maybe you don’t remember it. I get it. But I’m not going to leave here unless you agree to make love with me one more time.”

Abigail expelled a breath, then laughed a little, not caring if it pissed him off. “That will never happen.”

“Why? You already cheated on your husband. What’s one more time? And if you’re right and we mean nothing to each other, then I’ll know. And I’ll leave you alone.”

Spreading out her words, Abigail said, “I am on my honeymoon. I will never sleep with you again, and if you don’t leave me alone, I will call the police.”

“Then Bruce will find out everything.”

“I’m asking you to please not do that,” Abigail said.

“That’s not for you to decide.”

“I realize that. That’s why I’m asking. Please don’t tell him. Not for me, but for him.”

“Why not? He should know the truth.”

“You say you think we have a connection, then you should honor

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