With Every Breath (Slow Burn #4) - Maya Banks Page 0,86

by others. Camera crews got out and began setting up equipment on the grass while reporters and their cameramen did a check of their mics. One even began rolling footage with the reporter looking into the camera, a serious expression on her face as she gave her report.

What the hell was going on? Surely Thomas’s release wouldn’t cause this kind of uproar. Local coverage, yeah. Eliza would have expected that. But there was a CNN crew as well as media personnel from Fox News. In addition to the national media, there were also crews from news stations in Portland and Salem. Hell, even California and Washington state had crews here, San Francisco and Seattle being the most prominent.

What the ever loving fuck?

A prickle of apprehension chased away the awareness of Wade’s vigilant gaze as she took in the hubbub and the ever growing crowd gathering at the now roped off area between the street and the grassy area where the media had set up camp. Damn it, she needed to get closer so she could find out what was up. The last thing she needed was this much focus and awareness.

This could well fuck up her one and only chance at taking Thomas down for good and there was no way in hell she was letting the bastard slip through her fingers, enabling him to pick up where he left off. Torturing, raping and killing women who were powerless once he had them in his thrall.

As she stepped from her hiding place, she could actually feel the heat of Wade’s angry stare. Could hear him in her mind telling her to get the fuck away and not take unnecessary risks. She was only doing what she’d set out to do and what she and Wade had agreed that she would do. Make sure her presence was noted and not be discreet about where she was staying.

With that in mind, she strode swiftly toward the crowd, half afraid Wade would suddenly appear and haul her away. When she reached the edge of the crowd where a dozen or so people hung back more loosely, choosing to observe from a distance, she stopped, pretending interest in the goings-on in front of her.

But she took in the people closest to her from the corner of her eye, looking for her best option to approach. Only two seemed not to have noticed her yet, so hoping to catch one of them off guard and not give them time to recognize her, judge and then dismiss her, she skirted around behind the others and approached the older of the two men who hadn’t appeared to have noticed her presence yet.

“What on earth is going on?” Eliza asked in a breathy, excited sounding voice.

She had positioned herself slightly to the left but behind the man so he would have to turn to see her fully.

“Big press conference happening tomorrow,” the man muttered as he began turning.

Eliza braced, curling her hands still stuffed in her pockets into tight fists as she waited for the inevitable.

He stared at her a long moment, regarding her thoughtfully. “You’re her, aren’t you? That girl who turned that sadistic bastard in to the police and then testified against him at his trial.”

To Eliza’s complete surprise there was no disgust or condemnation in his eyes or expression. It was such an overwhelming pleasant surprise that she found herself dropping the act of the lovesick fool who’d come back for her man when he was released.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“It was a brave thing you did, young lady. You were only a child. Not many would have had the guts to do what you did.”

There was honest to God sincerity and admiration in his tone and his eyes were kind but she also saw pity.

“Why is there going to be a press conference?” she asked, pressing her momentary advantage and the fact he hadn’t already turned away in disgust. She needed all the intel she could gather because this had not been expected and it could put a serious kink in the meticulous, cold-blooded vengeance plan she’d spent days and weeks putting together.

Now disgust blatantly chased away the softness to his features, but it wasn’t directed at her. He shook his head, anger flashing in his eyes. He jabbed his thumb over his back in the direction of the media crews setting up on the lawn of the courthouse.

“There’s going to be some huge, nationally televised press conference when that spawn of Satan gets out of

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