Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,86

me; it was not like a human touch.

“We should keep him, he’s very adorable.” She said. I pretended to be just waking up from the hard hit that Vincent had given me. He did not acknowledge my conciseness as he spoke to the others in the room. It seemed they had decided not to kill me after all. They wanted to groom me to be one of them; they referred to themselves as the Dark coven.

Vincent apparently was one of the elders or some kind of leader vampire as the others treated him as an authority figure. They spoke of one vampire frequently. I could hear the fear in their voices when they did. He apparently was the actual head elder, he was called Leo.

It seemed to me Leo called the shot’s for the Dark Coven, and Vincent was his right hand. He spoke of going to Europe for a few years to organize a Dark coven there. He wanted someone to take his place here that was new and would do exactly as he ordered. Unfortunately, that “someone” was me. My head was killing me, and I drifted off to sleep, hoping this was all a really bad night mare.”

Will’s face grew tense now. I could see it as he ran a hand through his thick black hair. The next part of the story had to be the one hardest to speak about. I couldn’t imagine how scared he had to have been. The Dark Coven was ruthless and evil, and he was in the middle of it.

Will looked at me and smiled, I knew he was not really, wanting to go on as he turned away and watched the snow falling. I knew from Lydia, that he tried hard to forget all of this. Doc said the same thing; he told me it would haunt William forever. He said the pain Will went through, was un forgettable.

“You don’t have to go on. I can see it’s too much Will.” I kissed his cheek and laid my head against his shoulder.

“No, you should know I was just thinking of exactly how it all happened. I haven’t thought about in a very long time. “Vincent woke me later; I couldn’t tell you how long I was there. It seemed like days, but really, it was probably just hours. He got in my face and told me he was going to change me and I would belong to him and the Dark coven forever. I would live as they did and keep the secret of their identity, never would I be allowed to leave. He would guide me into being one of them, a vampire of the Dark coven.

The bite was excruciatingly painful; it instantly sent a searing pain into my neck.” I could see him rub his neck as a reflex action, he wasn’t even aware he was doing it. “The pain was horrific. I suffered in agony for around two weeks or so. I was sure I was dying.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Well I guess I was really, but I had no idea what was happening to me then, Vincent wouldn’t tell me anything at all.

I remember the Dark coven members that were their when Vincent kidnapped me. They returned and told him I was a failed change. I was in fact dying, and he should just drain my body and leave me for dead somewhere. They all agreed the transformation was bad and my death was merely hours away. Vincent seemed disturbed by their words.

They were wrong though. I slowly woke up and the pain lessened. Somehow, I survived the transformation process. I learned later, that I was not a full-blooded vampire, but a half blood. Vincent was quick to make me promise never to tell anyone I did not change completely.

He told me for some reason my body rejected the venom. The truth really was that his venom was weak and that caused my half blood status. This was a critical fact that he had to hide from his coven, or they would banish him. He would be removed from power if he was considered weak in any way shape or form by the other coven members.”

“Did the others, sense you were a half blood?” I asked in a soft voice.

“Some speculated the elders of his coven mostly. They had all been around long enough to have seen most things. I think they just chose to over look me, because Vincent was unpredictable and dangerous. They

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