Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,69

human pain from a mile away. I guessed that’s why so many of them went into the medical field. They were gifted at helping humans, at least Followers were.

Libby, one of the younger coven members came into my room. She had been a nurse in her human life and was now assisting Doc in my care. The pain, Doc told me after another morphine shot, was my body’s way of resisting the change. My system was fighting it, and I was losing the battle. I spent all afternoon in a haze of drugs, all meant to ease the excruciating pain I was in. The only problem was they were hurting me too, making me sicker by the day.

My dad’s flight to Maine was to come in at nine thirty Saturday morning. I tried my best to be in a good mood, as Lydia and Libby did my hair and helped me into my “hospital gown”. I was hurting so bad, even dressing was a job. I had to try to at least look like I felt good though.

That’s what dad was expecting to see. I groaned as Libby brought in a makeup kit. In addition, she began to add some much needed color to my cheeks. I hoped I could look good enough so dad would not suspect anything was weird. I knew if Sara was with him, she would be watching my like a hawk, and that wasn’t going to be a good thing. This pain I was in was nearly impossible to hide.

“It will be ok Corrine; your dad’s flight is scheduled to leave here at one o’ clock. So you won’t have to fake feeling great for too long.” Lydia smiled reassuringly at me.

I could never seem to get over the fact she was Williams mom, she looked all of about maybe 26 years old. I admired her long wavy black hair and porcelain skin. I had to imagine when she did get around humans; the guys went nutty over her. I never asked how old she was when she became a vampire. I did know in the time of William’s birth, women had kids at a very young age and married young too. I figured she was probably in her twenty’s at the time of her human death.

Chapter 4

The Visit

I waited nervously for my dad’s limo to arrive from the airport. The weather had been pretty bad lately so it was delayed due to snow and ice on the runway. Doc, William, and Dr.Pratt (or just Pratt as the coven called him) and Lydia waited in the room with me. My room’s window faced the circle drive so we would all know when the limo arrived. My stomach was in knots as we all waited.

“Stay calm Corrine, be strong for the next few hours, and remember the pain killer unit has a pump.” Doc spoke softly to me. “If you feel a pain attack coming push the button and you will have pain relief, nobody will even know. Any medical questions I will handle, so don’t worry about that at all.” Doc’s voice was calm and collected as usual, he was always in control.

“I’m just worried he’s going to tell I don’t look to good. I mean he knows me pretty well. Lydia and Libby did a great job, but I’ve lost so much weight.” I looked at my skinny white arm and shook my head in disgust.

Doc laughed at my concern, which surprised me.“Well obviously, you have not looked in the mirror have you? The changes you have made, have given your skin the customary vampire glow of perfection, you look rather stunning.” Doc said looking at William, who nodded in agreement.

“You look great Corrine, really the makeup added just enough color to your face, your father will not suspect a thing.” Lydia said smiling at me.

I smiled back, and then looked to William. I felt better now; at least I looked like I was getting better. I noticed then that William had the exact rich shade of black hair his mother had. I wondered if Sara was coming, she would die when she found out Lydia was Will’s mother. I fully expected that if she did come, she would probably pull Lydia aside and ask who her plastic surgeon was.

I nearly laughed aloud with that thought. Even Doc who was suppose to be Williams “grandfather” looked maybe forty if that, probably more like thirty five. He was a very young looking and really handsome.

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