Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,65

felt very tired as the drug seeped into my system. I closed my eyes and leaned into Will’s arms, as he gently laid me back down on to the bed.

“She will rest now, but we must talk William.”

“Are you sure she will be ok?” Will kept one hand on my shoulder, reluctant to move from my side.

“Yes, for now, but we have to get this under control as soon as possible. It is critical.”

“What does the research say Doc? How many cases of failed changes have you seen? How many have survived?” Will’s voice suddenly had an edge to it.

“Will that’s not the point here, let’s focus on Corrine.”

“No Doc, what do you know about failed changes is the topic. How many survived? One or two? What is it Doc? You don’t want to tell me do you because it’s bad?”

“Will you have to...” William cut Doc off he was losing his temper.

“I have to what? Tell me damn it how many died? You’ve been around long enough Doc, you know!”

“Two!” Doc’s voice was raised now as well.

“Who then, who are they?” Will snapped.

“Well one is throwing a temper tantrum right in front of me, and the other is the wife of my best friend.” Will was speechless as he sat in the chair next to my bed.

“Me?” He simply said it was not a question but an acceptance.

“Yes Will it is you, and Emma Pratt. Dr.Charles Pratt’s wife you met him a few years back when he visited us in Cambridge. Also when you and your mother visited his coven in France many times.”

“Oh yes, I remember him.”

“Yes, he is one of my closest friends, and a very brilliant doctor. Will, you know only a very few vampires like you exist; I have told you that before. You seem to have forgotten how rare your kind is. I myself only know of two, but there may be more in the world, it’s hard to know. I do believe the Irish coven known as the McClain’s have some half bloods. My good friend, Dr.Pratt may be the answer to Corrine’s problem, as his wife is a half blood and he helped her get that way.”

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Doc’s words were making me feel sick inside. I trusted him and I knew he was a very experienced. If he did not know what was wrong with me, I knew I was in big trouble.

“I need to examine all of her vital signs, and her blood panel. I will be able to tell a lot about how much of her has completed the change by that alone. I am seeing the canine teeth are very slightly elongated, of course to the human eye they appear almost normal. That is a good sign indeed; perhaps she will only need more time to complete the process.”

I flinched as Doc pulled out a pen light, obviously to examine my eyes for any changes. I backed away as he shone the light directly in my right eye. It burned and felt like I had a giant eyelash stuck in there.

I stuck my head pretty much into Will’s armpit; he jumped at my sudden reaction to the light. He laughed as I yelled out to Doc to put the damn light away or I was staying right where I was until he left the room.

“It hurt please don’t do that anymore! “ I snapped. “Light is bad, very bad ok!” I slowly pulled my head up, after Doc promised to put the light away for good.

“Light sensitivity is very good she has at least made two changes we know of.” Doc smiled at me patting my hand.

“This is not how it was supposed to go Doc, you promised me!” Will’s voice had an edge of danger to it; he was clearly trying to control it.

“Let me get in touch with Dr. Pratt and see if he can come out here and help us.”

“Fine ok. I just want to get her better, and I don’t care what it takes.” Will’s face had a defiant look. “I did this to her you know, I did it.” He pointed to me, a pained look on his face. “I did that to her and you let me, you told me you would take care of her.”

“Will I….” Doc tried to cut in, but Will refused to let him speak.

“No listen, I saved her a year ago, and for what to do this to her now?

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