Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,57

handwriting. I looked to him as he turned and gave me a dashing smile and a wink. I had to catch my breath. The note was simple. William wanted to meet me in the gardens behind the house; he had something to tell me in private.

I wondered why he sent me a note, but I did not stop and think about it. I made my way across the room; my head was spinning a bit so I stopped and held onto a chair to steady myself. I took a few deep breaths and headed outside to the gardens, following the path lit with small lanterns. I made my way to the rose garden passing couples and friends from college. In the center of the rose garden, four stone benches formed an oval.

I sat down taking a deep breath, as the pain started in my head. I assumed Will just wanted some quiet time with me and I was glad considering the way I felt now. The cool air felt good to me. I tried to ignore the pain, and I was sorry I had left my purse inside with my pills in it. I knew I was going to need them very soon. I was glad nobody was out this far, the gardens were so huge you could get lost if you were not careful.

A tall man in a tuxedo stepped out from the shadows. I nearly screamed. I had thought I was alone this far from the house. He looked at me but said nothing for a few minutes.

“Corrine, I presume?” His voice was low and smooth; it sent a chill down my spine as I watched him move closer to me.

“Uh, yes I am. Who are you?” I tried to hide my sudden fear of this stranger. I had a sudden urge to leave; something about this man was not good at all. I got chills standing there.

“Are you a guest of my father’s?” I struggled to remain calm, as I was starting to feel sick again.

“Oh… no lovely. I am not; I am a guest of William’s.” He winked at me. “He just doesn’t know I have arrived yet.” He smiled and glanced back at the house.

“Okay, well he’s inside playing pool if you want to speak to him.” I needed to get back in the house. I felt a blackout spell looming. “I’m really not feeling well, might you help me back to the house, and I can show you to William?”

“I know you do not feel well Corrine. I know all about you. I know you are very ill and your days are sadly numbered. Your clock is ticking down to nothing…tick…tock.” He laughed. “More so than you realize. I also know you have captured my William’s heart and thoughts of you consume his mind.” I shuttered, who was this guy and how could he know me?

“Excuse me, but I really need to get back to the party.” I felt another chill as he chuckled.

“You really do not know who I am, Corrine? Did he not describe me to you in great detail? I know he’s told you about me.” I moved back as he got closer, his face came into view. He was stunningly handsome, very much like William and all his cousins. I froze in terror. I looked into his eyes now visible from the tiny lights in the trees. They were dark and menacing. They were the eyes of a vampire.

“I have traveled very far to see William, my dear.” He leaned over close to my face. I could hardly breathe. “William… is my son.”

I couldn’t breathe, this was Vincent. It had to be, and he was right in front of me. He stood there, studying me as if I were a science project or a happy meal. I hated to think which one.

“You are William’s love, are you not? The one he’s so taken with?” He tilted his head looking me over. “I can see why, you are a lovely creature even for a mortal.” He laughed as he tilted his head to the other side, looking deep into my eyes.

I turned away. I had remembered Will’s warning that a vampire can put you in a trace and you never even know its happening. Vincent laughed and shook his head. “He has warned you about our powers, smart boy. He knew that others of our kind would see you as dinner and not his love.”

I was sick with fear as I

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