Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,54

at all.

Doc was worried that Vincent would return for William if he ever thought he was not behaving, as he should. Lydia feared when he learned of the relationship Will and I had, he would come back, and possibly kill me. I was sick at this thought and I could see it was of great concern to Doc and the entire coven.

William was silent as we discussed this; he didn’t even move. He was obviously terrified of Vincent. I felt very afraid at that thought. I had never known of anything Will was afraid of. I had to think Vincent was evil in its purest form, and I prayed we would not have to face him. I couldn’t imagine losing William or my life to a creature so horrible.

Doc had warned that Vincent would want me dead, as I was the one altering Will’s behavior. Doc explained of Vincent’s extreme hatred of humans, and he would never stand for his “son” to be in love with one. I could deal with it. I guessed, but to lose Will was too much to think about. I knew this thing could get ugly really fast.

I had been in a fairy tale in my own mind. I should have known the real world would seep in eventually, and it was now. Todd on the other hand had apparently fallen off the face of the earth. The police could not track him down. Roth, the cousins, and other coven members could not track him either. This was unheard of since Todd was a human. They should have been able to track him with no trouble.

Doc was checking in with other friends he had around the world and in Mexico to try to find him. I had caught small bits of conversations between Will and Doc; they seemed very worried about losing track of Todd. I heard Doc mention something about him being dead, or the worst-case scenario, him having been turned into a vampire. This could be one of the reasons he was un traceable to them. I couldn’t even think about such a thing right now, it was un nerving to me.

The Fairy tale Ends

The extreme lesson on how Will came to be as he was now was just the beginning. I learned more every day. I had been sick again to top it off; the headaches never really went away all summer, but they had been less painful. I was able to hide them, but the past two weeks going into the fall, it was nearly impossible to keep from William.

I had only one refill of an old pain medication left and the aspirin didn’t even lessen the pain anymore. I was terrified something was really wrong and I was going to have to face it. It was getting to hard to hide the pain from everyone. Facing whatever was wrong with me, was something I didn’t want to do. I had no choice though; soon I feared it would be impossible to hide. William hid nothing from me, and I was feeling horrible hiding how I felt from him. I knew this had to end.

Chapter 24

The Truth about the pain

William was over one crisp fall afternoon helping me plan the Halloween party we were to have here at my house in a few weeks. The school year started again as well. It was our junior year. Will and I were looking over decorations and I passed out from the pain inside my head, right into his arms; we went to see Doc that afternoon.

Doc was quick to order a battery of tests and by that evening, we learned what I had feared. I had an inoperable brain tumor. The tests after Todd’s attack when I was in the hospital somehow did not pick up on it. Doc explained it was growing at such a fast rate that at that time it might have been too small to detect.

I of course, had to explain how much pain I had been in and that I had been hiding it. I was supposed to have gone to Doctor Mott for a follow-up months ago and I didn’t, so I was facing this now. Doc called my father to his office, we all had a major discussion on my medical future, and it was not good. My father wanted the best specialists, mid eastern medicine, anything that might heal me. Doc had no good news; it was indeed terminal. Will was frozen in shock as

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