Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,33

leave before we both got hypothermia.

Chapter 13

Dealing with it

I had been processing all the information William had given me. I no longer had to convince myself I was okay with what he was. I had accepted it and no longer was second-guessing myself and my decision to remain with him until the end. It was odd how easily I was able to accept it, but then I knew I truly did love him.

I had been studying hard the weeks following the afternoon at the sledding hill. Soon spring would be here and a close to another school year. I had to pass all my courses. I wanted to start my junior year on time and on track this fall. I had been working very hard lately. My eyes ached from reading, but my headaches were getting worse. I tried to hide them. I had to make excuses to get to my room so mom, Gran or Sara wouldn’t know.

I had started popping pain pills again just too dull the searing pain in my head. William and Gran had been asking many questions about how I had been feeling lately. I was trying not to let it slip, about how bad it was. I didn’t want to have to take any medicine, but the pain was just too much to handle on most days.

William was over at my house on our typical Friday night movie date. I had a rough day, spending half of it in bed with yet another lovely headache. I was thankful this one ended a few hours before he got there, and we could enjoy the movies he had rented. I was able to get Gran to believe I had a stomach bug, so not too many questions were asked.

“Are you feeling okay, Corrine?” This was William’s greeting to me as I opened the door that night. “You look pale.” He stroked my cheek, concern filling his eyes. “Tell the truth now. You have been sick, haven’t you?”

“Kind of, just a stomach thing nothing major.” I tried to play it off as if nothing was wrong.

“I knew it. I had a feeling you felt sick today.” He pulled me close rubbing my back.

“I’m fine William it’s nothing.”

“I don’t know. You have been very pale lately, and quiet. You seem under the weather a lot.” I looked over the videos he rented for a minute, all my favorite chick flicks. I was hoping he would forget this conversation.

“Did I forget any?” He grinned. “Do I get a kiss for that, by chance?” I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. I pulled him in for a well-deserved kiss.

“Of course you do, silly. I would give you one even if you forgot to bring the movies!”

I was relieved when he did not bring up the headache subject again. We settled in to watch one of the movies he had brought. I hadn’t realized I dozed off on his chest long before the movie ended. I had obviously overdone the pain pills, and my head was foggy when he whispered in my ear.

“Grandma is home. Better, sit up love. She might think we’re up to something in here.” He kissed the top of my head, laughing.

“Oh I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.” I yawned, stretching out my arms. “I must have been more tired than I thought.”

Gran walked through the living room, humming a tune to herself. She was always bubbly and happy. I loved that about her. “Hey kids, everything okay?” She chirped, holding her needlepoint in one hand and a Coke in the other.

“Sure, Gran we just finished watching a movie.”

“Was it any good?” She took a sip of her drink, smiling down at us.

“Not too bad.” Will gave her his trademark boyish grin. She nodded, smiling at him.

“That’s good.” I noticed her studying William intensely. I knew why. I had seen her do that a million times. She had been having visions, and they all involved Will.

“Uh… William, could I speak to you in private. If it’s not a bother to you two?” She was clutching her Coke can hard. I was getting nervous now. I was mortified she was going to give Will the “talk,” no hanky-panky, she would say. She was always warning me to behave as a lady. I wanted to die right there on that couch.

“Uh… Gran, we’re fine, ya know. Nothing is going on. You don’t need to worry or anything.” I rambled on nervously, hoping she

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