Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,201

go after him.” I could see he was not happy with Pratt’s attempt to cool his temper. He sighed and ran his hand gently along my cheek.

“He will pay though, and I will be the one to do it. Nobody but me will end his miserable life.”

“Yes Will. Todd will get what he deserves and I doubt Doc will argue with you about how you would like to deal with him, either.” Pratt sighed.

“Oh I’m helping man; no way am I missing out on that!” Roth added.

“Ok fine you two.” Pratt said his voice carried a sharp tone. “Corrine how long has your heart been beating so quickly?”

“Hours, it got worse not long ago, right before Todd ran off.” Pratt shook his head, as he turned my face to see the bad cut on the side of my head.

“Roth get my bag it’s over by the tree.” In an instant, Pratt was cleaning my cut, with stinging alcohol. I winced as he carefully cleaned it. I dug my nails into Will, who was oblivious to what I was doing. His eyes were locked on me, as he whispered softly to try to keep breathing.

“We must get her back to the house. I need to get her heart rate down in the next hour it is critical.” Pratt wrapped my head with a bandage with his expert hands.

“Andrews getting the car, he’s over a half mile from here, it’s the closest road. He will call us when he is close.”

“Where is Riley?” Will asked.

“He took off after Todd; he’s tracking him and will call us when he gets a good lead.” Pratt said as he dug in his bag. “I’m going to give her a mild sedative to calm her down. The lack of blood has caused her heart to go out of control. Roth, call Doc and have him prepare five units of blood, when we arrive she will need them immediately.”

“Got it.” Roth flipped open his phone and dialed Docs number.

I shivered, even under Will’s heavy wool coat. Will held me close to him to block the cold wind form blowing on me. He bent his head down on to mine as he rubbed my back trying to comfort me. Pratt held my wrist in his hands, I barley felt the needle in my skin. I didn’t care about the shot at all. If it helped with the pain and I was in Wills arms nothing else mattered.

“Are you ok?” Will asked softly his deep blue eyes filled with concern.

“I think so.” I whispered as I felt a wash of relief go through me as the sedative went into my system. I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling too tired to hold them open any longer.

“Sleep my love; I won’t let anything harm you.” Will kissed my forehead as I rested safely in his arms.

I heard them talking about the arrival of the Irish coven, the McClain’s. Pratt voiced his concerns about them. I knew they had issues with Leo and the Dark coven and were very angry. Pratt worried they might cause more trouble than help when the all got here. I had not known the main elders were already at the coven house with Doc.

More of the McClain’s were to arrive later this week. Leo had been making threats against them for weeks, along with bugging us. I had no idea how Doc was going to deal with Leo, he was insane and dangerous and hell bent on killing me apparently. I heard silence for a moment, all I could hear was the sound of the river near by us.

“Is she asleep?” Pratt asked softly.

“Yes it looks like it, she’s so tired.” Will replied.

“William we need to speak about something.” I heard a change in Pratt’s tone of voice. I had been about to drift off to sleep, feeling so warm in Wills arms. The edge in Pratt’s voice woke me up. I didn’t open my eyes though. I could tell what ever Pratt had to say he did not want me hearing, so it must be bad.

“I’m glad Corrine is asleep now. I needed to speak with you about this and it cannot wait. I also did not want her to hear this.” I knew it had to be really bad now. I did my best not to let them know I was actually still awake.

“Yes, it concerns me too. This whole thing with Todd Downs and his obsession with trying to kill her is insane. The

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