Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,187

me now. I had no time to freak out.

I opened my eyes at the dashboard still lit up and the hummer’s engine running. The headlights shone right on the flooded and raging Mississippi river. I was right on the banks. I was afraid the rising river might end up reaching me if I was trapped in here.

“God please.” I whispered. My head hurt worse now, than back at the coven house. I felt something wet on the side of my head, and touched it carefully. My hand blood on it, during the crash I must have hit my head. I took another deep breath, and pulled out my black hat, that was scrunched up in my coat pocket.

I pulled it on, folded up a few extra Kleenex from my other pocket, and carefully tucked them over the cut on my temple. I knew it was bad, but this would have to do for now. If I had been fully human, I knew the head injury I had would probably have killed me for sure. I knew I had to get out of here right away.

I had seen in movies how when vehicles go rolling down hills they explode. I had to figure with my luck it could happen to me. I got my seat belt un buckled and slowly, so as not to cut myself on the broken glass, got to the passenger’s side window.

It was broken out so I held onto a willow tree limb and pulled myself up and out of the window. The rain was falling so hard I could barely see as I jumped down to the ground. I looked around. I was lost of course; I didn’t know this area at all.

I hoped Roth noticed I was not behind him soon. I was in big trouble if he didn’t come back for me. My cell rang, making me jump. I was so glad I had shoved it in my pocket or I would have lost it in the wreck.

“Corrine where are you? I saw you go airborne back there where the road washed out, are you ok?”

“Uh… I guess so.” I winced as I wiped the blood off the side of my face.

The scarf was not working to stop the bleeding. I knew I needed help; the cut was obviously deeper than I had first thought. “Where are you?” I tried to keep my teeth from chattering, as I leaned up against the willow tree the hummer was resting on. The wind was blowing the cold rain right on to me making it all worse.

“I’m on the same road. I had to pull back so they wouldn’t know I was following them. I know right where they are headed though. The only way to get to their place is over an old covered bridge a few miles from your exact location.”

“How do you know where I am…exactly?”

“I have a GPS unit on the hummer; its location shows up on my cell phone.” I was relieved by that, at least I might get out of here and back to looking for William. I wasn’t helping at all, stuck down here.

“Are you sure you’re ok? You sound shaky.” I hesitated as I closed my eyes, my head pounding.

“Uh… I hit my head when I crashed. I think it might be cut bad, but I will be ok. I just want to find William as soon as we can.” I pulled my already rain soaked jacket tighter around me as I shook.

“You should stay there, and wait for Doc and Pratt. I’m sending Doc your location in a minute. That head injury could be dangerous even with you being a half blood.” I figured he would say that, and there was no way I was going to do what he said.

“No, that’s not an option Roth. What should I do now, besides sit here and wait for Doc and you know I won’t.” I heard him groan and I knew he was not happy with what I said.

“Fine, be stubborn but I’m telling you Doc should have a look at your head. Anyway, if you walk along the bank going up river, it’s going to lead you to a covered bridge. I believe they are headed there. I think they will be meeting with Leo or one of the other elders. The road to their coven’s house is flooded so they will have to make others plans to get William out of here.”

“What do I do when I

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